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Molasses does it work?

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Just a simple question,i have never used the stuff(never needed too)all i wanna know is does it work..cheers lads..


hi keep i green ive never used it before but couldnt get what usealy use so yer its prity good so far an ill be staying with it from now on thumbup.gif


ow i just put 1 table spoon in 9 L , but dont know what every one else does ? an i give it to it every water loveing it.


an red somewere it can cause mould easyer something like that ????

Edited by smashed1
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dunno about drop ph, but it's a bacteria food not a fertilizer. organic farmers think it's a must. Scunxxx had a good rave about this late february ... in southern hemisphere I think. reckons it adds "pop" to the growth. am just about to look up his post because I 'll apply my first lot today.


molasses can be bought in jars from yr local health food store ... otherwise, yes, feed stores (bring a container) or if yr in the bush yr local dairy farmer or feed lot operator will probly give you a jar full.


and you can lick the spoon afterwards!


(later on: can't find Scunxxx rave. I think he said a TEASPOON in a bucket. and because it takes time to effect soil bacteria the results can't be seen straight away.)

Edited by demistify
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Quoting Al B Fuct:


"Molasses/sugar in hydroponics: LAST TIME - plants can't eat complex carbohydrates, but many pathogens CAN. You're growing cannabis in your hydroponic system - not anything else.


Outdoors might be slightly different, as in it helps the soil in some way, yet still the plant can't absorb it.


This goes doubly for those 'sugar' and other bs hydroponic additives.


I've seen people near kill their plants when adding the stuff.

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Quoting Al B Fuct:


"Molasses/sugar in hydroponics: LAST TIME - plants can't eat complex carbohydrates, but many pathogens CAN. You're growing cannabis in your hydroponic system - not anything else.


Outdoors might be slightly different, as in it helps the soil in some way, yet still the plant can't absorb it.


This goes doubly for those 'sugar' and other bs hydroponic additives.


I've seen people near kill their plants when adding the stuff.


Thanks for the comments. I guess it's trial and error. I wasn't trying to change the flavour I thought I read it could help the plants produce more resin.

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