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Fert burn

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Hi all

Noob here on my 1st outdoor grow, I have 2 girls 1 in a Pot the ground

2 weeks ago my plants looked like shit so I pumped a heap worm juice

(and the Mud on the bottom of the worm farm)

On them thinking I had a nute prob only to find mites a few days later.


Ive won the fight with the mites only to get fert burn, I flushed em for a week

And they seem to be on the go again looking healthy.

How long should I wait till re fert , they are into the 1st week of flower? (I think)


Thx heap, soz for the noob question

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hey mate sounds like your learning the hard way :wallbash: poor bugger that worm castings your using is really strong better to make a really week tea i would give em two weeks from your flush go gentle wit the fertiliser to start half strength they will tell you if there hungry ... next time post more info and maybe some photos otherwise its just guess work :scratchin: on our part... some folks on here really no their shit :thumbsup: :whistle: , the more detail you can provide the better the answers to your questions will be :xcited: ..... good luck...peace TD :bongon:
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Thx for the tip smashed, how much? A handful on each?

They seem to be growing again and looking good I'll try get some

Pics up soon.


Also the fucking mites won't die, the population has died off

Drastically but they have a few dug in like alabama tic's

Is ok to spray the neem oil mix every 3 days instead of 7 as the bottle states?

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