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Study to target pot withdrawal

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When we talk about withdrawal symptoms, we should ask, which of these needs to be managed? (such as severe aggression, anxiety or depression) Is it necessary or sensible to take lithium to combat a temporary period of insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability and whatnot? Sounds like pharmacology gone mad to me. If ya gunna quit, prepare yourself for a temporary rough ride and you'll be through it in no time! Worked for me whenever I quit.

BTW never quit for any reason other than pregnancy and breastfeeding.. Never wanted to! :peace:

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I been trying to quit lately.


It's a bitch.


I have quit before, twice , for several years at a time. and don't think it was particularly hard.


This time - OMG - I am so aggressive and want to kill the next person who cuts me off in traffic.....


I don't mix tobacco with my dope (EWWW why the fuck would ya !)


SO I am not quitting two habits at once.


My doc gave me Seroquel and Valium. I also have Stillnox and Panadeine Forte. Somehow I will quit this. Just a matter of how hard is it gonna be in the meantime.


I also bought some so called 'legal high' smoking material. Placebo effect I hope. If I take my pills and smoke the placebo then go to sleep I'll be happy.


I am not looking forward to having my dreams and nightmares come back though.






I made it through only 4 days the other week without dope when I caved in and had some. Am about to stop again this weekend I think. I am going on an OS holiday with my mum and sure as fuck I am not going to risk smoking it, buying it or posessing it in an Asian country. So I have no choice but to stop.



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hrm, although i am abit late to the discussion this thread got me thinking. What time of withdrawals are they trying to study? The physical? (which the evidence supports is almost non existent) or the psychological?


We currently know about the physical aspects but the psychological aspects have been debated and in many cases taken on a wild propaganda ride with little evidence simply due to the drugs reputation.


Much of the time when people speak of withdrawal or whatever no one ever clarifies which type, which to me is deceitful.


oh wells.

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others found they experienced withdrawal symptoms such as sleep difficulties, incr-eased anger and aggression, irritability, nervousness and anxiety.

I had those symptoms before I started smoking and I'm pretty sure on some level everyone else does as well.

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