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Study to target pot withdrawal

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Tobacco is fithey, nasty and pointless , why the hell would you want to "smoke it constantley" :scratchin:


Yeah, read my post brother. Never said I 'wanted' to smoke tobacco constantly. I said, it's what I have to do when I quit bongs, since I've been spinning my weed my whole life (like the majority of Australians) and as a result am extremely physically addicted to the nicotine.



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I'm confused, weed isn't physically addictive, so why would anyone take lithium? I know you can get addicted to the tobacco of you use spin, but then why aren't they treating cigarette addicts with lithium? Or do they? It just seems like an insane thing to be doing...



Stoner: "oh, I smoke too much weed"


Nurse: "thats ok, we can treat that with electro shock therapy now"


Stoner: "oh ok awesome"

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alot of people are gonna disagree with me here, but i think that its possible to be taking weed daily as i did, and be self medicating with it.. hence when u stop smoking weed, all the things u r self medicating with weed, such as Anxiety/Depression/ Stress, Pain, will be prevalent...... now are these things going to be side effects? or cannabis withdrawal... .. cos fuck i know im a wreck when theres no weed.. usually turn to something else to medicate.. usually pain meds.. and sedatives...
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i fully feel dat!!!


i suffer from chronic pain and use hash oil to treat it

when i stop i really know about it

pain is not a withdrawal symptom



i have to turn to killer pain killer drugs for relief

the side effects are the killers

i am a completely different person then

i cant talk straight, cant walk straight, cant play my guitar or piano

that sux big time everytime

im outa there straight back to the safe, stood the test of time, tried and proven over thousands of years

cannabis therapy rulez

anyone who wants to give up cannabis and use lithium instead has been totally conned by the sic Babylonian system


the more sick people we have

the more money they make selling drugs

dont be conned by this BS test

dont support it

cannabis is safe

lithium is toxic

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I have never heard such a load of shit!!! Lithium is not a drug to be played with and in my opinion that's all these people are doing... doing it in the name of research. Peoples lives and minds nothing. If someone became suicidal and did the deed would the people conducting this research care? The fact is that those type of meds can have those effects on people. Is it really necessary to even contemplate doing this type of research? :scratchin:
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I have never heard such a load of shit!!! Lithium is not a drug to be played with and in my opinion that's all these people are doing... doing it in the name of research. Peoples lives and minds nothing. If someone became suicidal and did the deed would the people conducting this research care? The fact is that those type of meds can have those effects on people. Is it really necessary to even contemplate doing this type of research? :scratchin:


If they followed it through and did the final deed. The researchers would say it was suicide brought on by cannabis psychosis. As long as your arse points to the ground these ignorant pricks subscribing any pharm drugs to get off cannabis will blame the cannabis for any side effects.:wallbash: They are all fucking maggots sucking up the arse of the govs and pharmacy co's.


They keeps us divided because they know if we got together collectively on a global basis they would be rooted.:stunned:

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