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Study to target pot withdrawal

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does this make sense to you

stop taking a safe natural herb that has the very serious side effect of ,.,.euphoria

and take this chemical drug called lithium with the side effect of ,.,well heaps and ofcourse death

how not sane is that???????

may be you could save up all your doses and get nuff for a spare battery for your lap top

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Wonder how much of the withdrawal symptoms attributed to Cannabis are actually caused by the withdrawal of the tobacco used in the spin whistling0000.gif


hi well the block across road from me smokes heaps of pot with tobbacco , but dindt smoke cigerets an he hung out prity bad, duno if it made it worse but dont think it would help , when im hanging abit a cigeret cams me while im smoking it.


an from peopl i know that take lithium have to have quite regular blood taken to monitor metal levels in blood system , that makes it twice as worse no way id want a needle every few weeks

Edited by smashed1
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i dont smoke tobacco and never have, i hasd smoked ALOT of weed though, ive been know to get through 1/2 oz in a night on special occasions. i must have averaged at least an oz a week. for 15 years..


im 3 weeks dry now and apart from getting stressed out more often and have border line panick attacks once or twice, and the crazy crazy vivid dreams , its all okay at my end.


i do appricaite we are all built differantly and wired up differanty too though

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Firstly not being able to sleep and loss of appetite is psychological when associated to abstaining from cannabis use, not physical.




Giving up cannabis really isn't that hard if a person truly wants to, you certainly don't need to be detoxed from THC!  


Firstly and most importantly most people are physically addicted to mixing nicotine with there cannabis, rather than the actual cannabis. Locking a cannabis dependent person away from THC for seven days well feeding them synthetic drugs and allowing them to continue there nicotine use (I assume they will be) is just laughable and almost seems designed to fail in the long term.


I've been a very heavy smoker since I was very young and can honestly say it's the nicotine addiction that causes me to constantly feel the need to hit the bong, not the cannabis itself.


I'm not saying quitting cannabis doesn't require a little will power, but I mean for me if I've got my mind set on quitting cannabis it's just a matter of making sure you eat right, exercise as much as possible and get lots of sun, maybe if you need to keep your sleep pattern, a few temazepams before bed, the dreams can get a little to vivid, but there just dreams and can actually be pretty cool sometimes. Most importantly though, smoke tobacco 'CONSTANTLY'! 


No cannabis can get boring, but that can be alleviated by finding something to do, no tobacco feels like impending doom, kind of like a clear headed bad trip after awhile, which you can't escape.


I was stuck out in the bush awhile ago with some very nice herb but no tobacco and no way of obtaining it for 5 days. I could not get that satisfaction and started having extreme withdrawals, sweating, a overwhelming feeling of discomfort throughout my body and that awful feeling of impending doom. I was smoking green bongs, joints and pipes flat out, but it just doesn't hit the spot without the tobacco. Cannabis really is just a much more mild drug without mixing it with tobacco. I can't even describe how good it felt and how much my mood instantly lifted well smoking that cigarette outside the servo on the outskirts of town at 6.01am the day I got paid.


If I could only get over my nicotine addiction then I very much doubt I'd feel the need to 'constantly' smoke cannabis and I do realize everyones different, but I also know there's endless thousands of people just like me out there who started smoking large amounts of cannabis mixed with nicotine from a very young age and most of them will continue to smoke to much cannabis there whole lives, unless there nicotine addictions a dealt with. 


I'm not trying to say a lot of people out there wouldn't be better of smoking a lot less, or even none at all in 'some' cases. I'm just saying the actual act of being stoned isn't addictive like alcohol or heroin. Therefore trying to detox a person from THC like you would with an addictive drug would have to be far less effective than say, long term (no pharmaceuticals) therapy to try and gain a gradual life style change. The act of feeling the need to constantly hit the bong IMO, is in case of most heavy users not actually driven by the desire to be more stoned, but more for the desire of a nicotine hit.


If they ignored the study subjects cannabis use, but got them to stop spinning there mixes and completely detoxed them from nicotine, IMO, the long term success rate would end up being far higher than the proposed study. If the study subjects actually had a genuine interest in ceasing there use.


Until researchers come to realize nicotine plays a large role in cannabis addiction (maybe even a larger role than THC itself in a lot of cases) in Australia they will continue to not have any true understanding of it or an effective treatment.

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Loss of appetite is a physical symptom because its about your body, psychological is about the brain. Its not like you dont want to eat like a choice, that would be psychological. Its the fact your appetite isnt there. Body isnt being stimulated to eat like it normally does with weed. Edited by euph0rix
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science proves that one can not be physically addicted to any drug as long as one has cannabis in ones blood

tobacco, caffeine, opiates, speed, downers and everyting in between cannabis therapy will work

there is still the psychological addition to deal with

this is caused by the life style changes of abstention of certain habitual behaviour pattens

which in turn cause all the temporary physical symptoms we all feel

psychosomatic symptoms are 100% real physical symptoms, real pain, real angst,real yuckky symptoms

just because your mind made them that does not mean they are pretend symptoms

your mind is very powerful,., can create real symptoms

but it is not caused by abstention from cannabis no no

it is caused by changing an old habit


Tobacco is fithey, nasty and pointless , why the hell would you want to "smoke it constantley" :scratchin:

Tobacco is a sacred herb to many indigenous cultures

Tobacco contracts the small air passages and relaxes the large air passages in your bodies bronchial system

cannabis does the opposite

contract the large air passages and dilates the small air passages

when mixed in the correct proportions you get the positive effects of both herbs

the harmful effects of each herb is negated by each other

relaxed large and small air passages = no cough.,.,. easer to smoke


tobacco decreases the temperature at which cannabis burns and so you get more THC in your blood and less is destroyed by the heat

more thc in your blood = more stoned and better medicinal effects



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Loss of appetite is a physical symptom because its about your body, psychological is about the brain. Its not like you dont want to eat like a choice, that would be psychological. Its the fact your appetite isnt there. Body isnt being stimulated to eat like it normally does with weed.


Ok bright eyes. Are you able to name one single psychological symptom that exists, which doesn't end up having a physical effect on the body?


A good scenario would be two soldiers in Afghanistan coming across a mutilated body, the sight sickens them both, but one just seems able to deal with it, well the other throws up his lunch and later feels to nauseated to get his dinner down. It's the different way there brains psychologically deal with the situation that caused the different physical effects.


Anyway, the trick with loss of appetite well abstaining from cannabis is drinking lots of liquids, milk and juices with all the good vitamins and shit. Plus, for me veggies and fruit seem to go down a lot easier than overly sweet and fatty foods.


To tell the truth, when I was younger I used to think it was the end of the world when I had no weed. But over the years I've learnt, if you can use the lack of appetite to only eat low fat and healthy foods and the overload of energy and sleepless nights to exercises and work out non stop, you can actually turn the whole situation around so having nothing green to smoke for few weeks can actually be a pretty cool experience within itself.

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