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Study to target pot withdrawal

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Im sorry but physical symptoms are not psychosomatic.

i disagree here

psychosomatic symptoms are 100% real symptoms, real pain, real angst,real yuckky symptoms

just because your mind made them that does not mean they are pretend symptoms

your mind is very powerful,., can create real symptoms

but it is not caused by abstention from cannabis no no

it is caused by changing an old habit

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euph0rix i think you missed the point of radic's post a little. he isn't trying to say you don't get withdrawls from cannabis use, but rather, its all in your head, not in your body.

if it takes 3 months for cannabinoids to leave the body, your body can't be suffering withdrawl because its still there, its your brain that says 'fuck i need to smoke a cone' because you are so used to doing it 20 times a day or more.


I tend to agree with his logic, as i've smoked for years, but only when I get into a habbit of sitting at home hammering down bongs every night that if I try to go a night without it, its hard and your mind begins to suffer withdrawl.

Edited by Ex.
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euph0rix i think you missed the point of radic's post a little. he isn't trying to say you don't get withdrawls from cannabis use, but rather, its all in your head, not in your body.

if it takes 3 months for cannabinoids to leave the body, your body can't be suffering withdrawl because its still there, its your brain that says 'fuck i need to smoke a cone' because you are so used to doing it 20 times a day or more.


I understood what he meant, but I disagree, thanks for pointing out another side of it though. When you ingest cannabis the THC is used up and turns into a metabolite it doesn't stay as active THC, you start to withdraw after the effects wear off. Yes I agree you experience psychosomatic symptoms from having your body say "fuck I need to smoke a cone" because you are used to having it 20 times a day. That is part of it, There is also physical symptoms which are caused by your body depending on the drug to run smoothly. These symptoms are in your head and your body.


Radic proposes there are 100% no withdrawal effects of abstination from cannabis and says it is only from habit. I disagree


And Radic did you not just copy and paste exactly what you wrote earlier? Im not blind I saw what you wrote previously.

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Wonder how much of the withdrawal symptoms attributed to Cannabis are actually caused by the withdrawal of the tobacco used in the spin whistling0000.gif


I have wondered this one too but that all depends on whether your spin or not, whether you smoke cigarettes after you quit weed too

If you smoke spin and dont smoke cigarettes you will get tobacco withdrawal on top.

If you smoke spin and continue smoking tobacco it wont make a difference.

If you smoke straight and stop, well I guess we have to ask what is experienced by the user.


Edit: Well Ive done my bit for now, put down my experience and provided info to other peoples experiences and withdrawal studies etc, does anybody else have any experience with quitting cannabis. Maybe they could shed some light. Unless that is everybody on the forums just smoke up constantly and never stop :D lol



Edited by euph0rix
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I can shed some insight as I've stopped before. Usually, I'm an every day smoker. Not usually in the mornings (sometimes though.. but not before work!) I find it very hard to stop once I've been on it again for a few weeks. I get very moody, can't sleep, easily agitated and frustrated, anxious & stressed. Have put my fist through a few doors in frustration about things which later, seem insignificant and I feel stupid. I also struggle with depression when I don't smoke. When I am smoking, I'm pretty content with life, happy at work, happy at home and generally very chilled guy, although a little less motivated to get things done.


I don't smoke with any spin, used to smoke ciggys (about 1-2 packs a week) and quit very easily with no withdrawl noticable.


Thats my input anyway about my own experiences.






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Radic proposes there are 100% no withdrawal effects of abstinence from cannabis

that is my opinion

psychological withdrawals can not be attributed to abstinence from cannabis

because anyting can cause psychological addiction

all the symptoms you and i both exhibit, are psychosomatic and can not be attributed to abstinence from cannabis

most people seam to be able to snap them selves out of it prety quick

if you do have a problem with it then may be the anti psychotic effects of cannabis is treating more than you are aware

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