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Study to target pot withdrawal

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cannabis therapy for addiction to alcohol


Mikuriya, T.H. 1970. Cannabis substitution: An adjunctive therapeutic tool in the

treatment of alcoholism. Medical Times 98(4):187-91.


Scher, M.S. 1971. Marijuana as an agent in rehabilitating alcoholics. Amer J Psychiat


there is heaps of tried and proven traditional documentation in india

using cannabis therapy to treat many different addictions


Birch, E.A. 1889. The use of Indian hemp in the treatment of chronic chloral and

chronic opium poisoning. Lancet 1(March 30):625.



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cannabis could be treating many different aliments

abstention from cannabis could allow the ailments to return exhibiting many of the symptoms mentioned

that is not a withdrawal symptom

Yes that is true, its called the rebound effect. Ive already mentioned that above but I stated that these symptoms are temporary and disappear after the THC has left the system. They are not permanent symptoms of pre-existing ailments.

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Heres a couple of links I googled


Nice collection of comments there from people experiencing withdrawal symptoms (they could have pre-existing ailments but likely not all of them)






I do realize this info is all from the same website but his references to information is from dozens of different studies.

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temporary and disappear after the THC has left the system. They are not permanent symptoms of pre-existing ailments.


the symptoms you are referring to are not caused from abstention from cannabis

because all the symptoms from these sufferers, are not consistent and/or repeatable thru out the population of the sufferers

not everyone in the cannabis consuming community experiences the same

eg everyone gets euphoric

not everyone get these symptoms after abstention from cannabis

that means strictly psychosomatic

thays why its all so temporary wares off quick when you realise you are in control

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the symptoms you are referring to are not caused from abstention from cannabis

Yes they are, these symptoms appear when an individual abstains from cannabis


because all the symptoms from these sufferers, are not consistent and/or repeatable thru out the population of the sufferers

They are very consistent, please read peoples experiences.


not everyone in the cannabis consuming community experiences the same eg everyone gets euphoric not everyone get these symptoms after abstention from cannabis that means strictly psychosomatic

I highly agree not everyone experiences the same thing, some people dont get withdrawals and some do. Just because your on the side of the people that dont doesn't make the people that do any less reputable. Im sorry but physical symptoms are not psychosomatic.


thays why its all so temporary wares off quick when you realise you are in control

So your saying that these underlying ailments wear off when you gain control?


You seem to be clutching at straws and repeating the same argument word for word. Repeating something doesn't turn it into a truth

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