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Study to target pot withdrawal

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this is a BS study

my advice

dont get involved

i feel you wont like the results they pubilsh


abstinence from cannabinoids takes 3mth to fully leave the body

it all happens very slowly

cold turkey is not possible

cannabis can not leave your body that fast

they tested this with rats they had to knock out certain recepetors to allow cannabis to leave their bodies fast

thats how they discovered the what caused waiting syndrome in new born

they were trying to help reduce obesity by decreasing appetite with their knock out drugs but the side effects were suicide

the point is science proves it is impossible for cannabis to leave the natural body fast nuff to cause withdrawal symptoms

that means its all strictly psychosomatic from here on, hence the lithium therapy

or the return of the sufferance that cannabis was treating.,., be it known or unknown to the sufferer


guidance and protection

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so thats why they gave me 200 ml seroquel, i dont like em they make you heaps druosier than xanex an next day it takes most the day to come good an its not a good feeling at all.

The absolutely whacked out feeling you get starting Seroquel only lasts for a short period, a week or so. And it's a damn side safer than Xanax.


Seroquel is a fantastic drug if you NEED it, and is not one to be taken flippantly.

Yeah I agree, in comparison with the typical antipsychotics that preceded it, Seroquel is a mighty fine med. No pharmaceutical, especially psychoactive pharmaceuticals should be taken flippantly.


the point is science proves it is impossible for cannabis to leave the natural body fast nuff to cause withdrawal symptoms

That Radic, is patently untrue. You must be relying on very old sources, a lot has changed in the last 10-15 years with regard to research into withdrawal from weed.

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Yeah withdrawal symptoms are real, not everybody gets them though, doesnt matter how slow the detox is, the body still wants what it wants. I have mates that dont feel a thing when they quit, but they dont rely on it as much as some. If you rely on pot, your body will suffer when its taken away. They arent withdrawals like certain drugs that can cause massive physical sickness and kill when taken away cold turkey but night sweats, loss of appetite even gastrointestinal disruption are physical side effects, they arent underlying problems, they are gone with abstinence. The rest of the symptoms are mainly psychological but still real, they will all disappear with a re-dose and all come back with cessation.
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come make we reason

That Radic, is patently untrue.


You must be relying on very old sources,
show me the links please update i

cause all the new stuff i have seen is 100% BS studies by gov to justify their drug war budget and keep personal first time offenders off the record and out of jail then twist the stats in favour of prohibition

the stats are collected from court appointed cannabis prevention programmes

totally biased BS

a lot has changed in the last 10-15 years with regard to research into withdrawal from weed
. no its still fulla BS studies and drug war propaganda

it hasent changed

it has got worse

Yeah withdrawal symptoms are real

the symptoms you are referring to are not caused from abstention from cannabis

because all the symptoms from these sufferers, are not consistent and/or repeatable thru out the population of the sufferers

any habitual routine is hard to break for any ting


habits are not caused by abstention from cannabis

that is caused by abstention from habit <---strictly psychosomatic

psychosomatic symptoms are 100% real symptoms, real pain, real angst,real yuckky symptoms

but it is not caused by abstention from cannabis no no

it is caused by changing an old habit


and just to further compound the issue

theres the fact that cannabis is a medicine that is treating any aliment that the cannabis consumer may,. or may not be aware of

abstention from cannabis may cause these ailments symptoms to return


and 1 more ting

because cannabis takes so long to leave the body it can be used to treat any compulsive disorder/addiction and withdrawal symptoms

cannabis is used to treat alcohol addiction, opioid addiction in traditional cannabis consuming cultures to this day

cannabis is the gate way to freedom from addiction

cannabis homoeostatically rebalances the endocannabinoid system weather you smoke it fun or medicine

you dont get withdrawal symptoms from abstinence from homoeostasis of the endocannabinoid system no, no no

you just get very sick, very real symptoms.,., all of which is 100% not caused by abstention from cannabis

homoeostasis of the endocannabinoid system is good health

you cant blame withdrawal form good health pon abstention from cannabis


please i must see the links to these new sutdies as the fact remains that there is an abundance of evidence that stood the test of time and prove the contrary


nuff love and raspect


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show me the links please update i

cause all the new stuff i have seen is 100% BS studies by gov to justify their drug war budget and keep personal first time offenders off the record and out of jail then twist the stats in favour of prohibition

the stats are collected from court appointed cannabis prevention programmes

totally biased BS


Radic, try and remember, minds are like parachutes... they only work when open. You've already decided that anything that doesn't fit with your reality is bullshit, It's hardly worth my time and effort to provide you with up to date health data. I hope you enjoy your delusions and that they keep you nice and safe and warm.

Edited by lou lou
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Common side effects of lithium treatment include muscle tremors, twitching, ataxia, and hypothyroidism.[73] Long term use is linked to hyperparathyroidism,[74] hypercalcemia (bone loss), hypertension, damage of tubuli in the kidney, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (polyuria and polydipsia) and/or glomerular damage – even to the point of uremia,[75] seizures[76] and weight gain.




Pay very close attention:




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the symptoms you are referring to are not caused from abstention from cannabis

because all the symptoms from these sufferers, are not consistent and/or repeatable thru out the population of the sufferers

They are consistent, theres countless amounts of people experiencing the same problems if you do your research


any habitual routine is hard to break for any ting

Sure is, but that doesn't mean you get withdrawal symptoms from it, I used to have a bad habit of masturbating lol, but when I stopped that what happened? Nothing.


habits are not caused by abstention from cannabis

Of course they aren't? Who said they were?


psychosomatic symptoms are 100% real symptoms, real pain, real angst,real yuckky symptoms

but it is not caused by abstention from cannabis no no

it is caused by changing an old habit

I have to disagree there, where's your proof kicking any habit (not drug related) causes these symptoms?


and just to further compound the issue

theres the fact that cannabis is a medicine that is treating any aliment that the cannabis consumer may,. or may not be aware of

abstention from cannabis may cause these ailments symptoms to return

Yes I agree, but those would be permanent symptoms, the ones Im talking about only last for the duration of withdrawal and don't return once the THC has left the system. They disappear when you start using again. Then they come back when you abstain. But they only stay for the duration of withdrawal, they AREN'T underlying symptoms, they are only temporary.


because cannabis takes so long to leave the body it can be used to treat any compulsive disorder/addiction and withdrawal symptoms

cannabis is used to treat alcohol addiction, opioid addiction in traditional cannabis consuming cultures to this day

It can be used to treat addiction and withdrawal because it gets you high not because it stays in the body so long, if that were true I would only need to get high once a month. The fact it stays in the body so long means when you are withdrawing from cannabis its takes a long time. Ive treated cannabis withdrawal with opiates, how did it work? It got me high.


cannabis is the gate way to freedom from addiction

ROFL No, abstinence from all substances is the gate way to freedom from addiction


cannabis homoeostatically rebalances the endocannabinoid system weather you smoke it fun or medicine

you dont get withdrawal symptoms from abstinence from homoeostasis of the endocannabinoid system no, no no

you just get very sick, very real symptoms.,., all of which is 100% not caused by abstention from cannabis

Now heres where you contradict yourself. You say that cannabis homeostatically rebalances the endocannabinoid system. Homeostatic meaning "a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition". What happens when you take away constant regulation and stability? You get an unregulated unstable system (withdrawal effects) If cannabis caused this "homeostasis" Then taking it away surely caused its instability.


Secondly cannabis doesnt rebalance the endocannabinoid system because an endocannabinoid is an endogenous cannabinoid, meaning a cannabinoid made by the brain. Cannabis USES the endocannabinoid system much like an LSD molecule uses the serotonergic system, It mimics the structure of a serotonin molucule and binds to the serotonin receptor. In this case cannabis mimics an endogenous cannabinoid and binds to the cannabinoid receptor.


If anything it causes an imbalance in the endocannabinoid system because it takes up all the cannabinoid receptors. Therefore the endogenous cannabinoids (anandamide) cannot bind. As endocannabinoids arent stored in the brain waiting to be used, they are synthesized on command when they are needed. If they are not needed because cannabis is doing the job, they wont be produced. Causing an imbalance.


homoeostasis of the endocannabinoid system is good health

you cant blame withdrawal form good health pon abstention from cannabis

If "homeostasis" of the endocannabinoid system is good health and cannabis causes this "homeostasis"

What will happen if you take away the cause. You will get bad health (withdrawal) until the natural endocannabinoid system can rebalance itself, simple.


please i must see the links to these new sutdies as the fact remains that there is an abundance of evidence that stood the test of time and prove the contrary

Please I must also see your studies proving withdrawal symptoms are 100% not caused by abstention from cannabis


Sorry if I came off kind of rude but you came off as ignorant with your poor spelling and inability to provide us with the workings of your claims.



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this is a BS study

my advice

dont get involved

i feel you wont like the results they pubilsh


abstinence from cannabinoids takes 3mth to fully leave the body

it all happens very slowly

cold turkey is not possible

cannabis can not leave your body that fast

they tested this with rats they had to knock out certain recepetors to allow cannabis to leave their bodies fast

thats how they discovered the what caused waiting syndrome in new born

they were trying to help reduce obesity by decreasing appetite with their knock out drugs but the side effects were suicide

the point is science proves it is impossible for cannabis to leave the natural body fast nuff to cause withdrawal symptoms

that means its all strictly psychosomatic from here on, hence the lithium therapy

or the return of the sufferance that cannabis was treating.,., be it known or unknown to the sufferer


guidance and protection

yer radic you could be write i also have adrenilen probs an speed rit up when it flairs up , an think hanging out might a fukd with it scratchchin.gif


an from my experiance seriqual is the best couse you can stop it with out spending 15 days tourcher an hell but still perfer pot lol , i cut 1 up last night had about 25 ml help me sleep too good but i needed a night off


ow when comeing off alot of opiets pot makes it 3 x more wores its the only time i never wanted a cone it just wasnt worth it at all


the best way to come off oxies opiets is get 180 ml of methadone an take 30 ml a day an an on 7 day youve dodged the tourcher an able to get around prity normal

but thats after taking oxies 5 x day for 5/6 mounths


hay radic tryd to pm u , do you know much about L5 / L4 an disks in back ?

Edited by smashed1
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i will show you mine

you gotta show me yourz

we can start with this one

Ethan Russo gave a talk at the

IACM meeting on “endogenous cannabinoid deficiency,â€

which could result from a diminished number of cannabinoid receptors


the insufficient presence of anandamide and other endocannabinoids.


Whatever the causes,

Russo postulates that “clinical endocannabinoid deficiencyâ€

underlies migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel disease,

and other degenerative illnesses,

which may respond favourably to cannabinoid remedies.


Individuals have different congenital endocannabinoid levels and sensitivities.


A surplus or lack of metabolic enzymes

involved in the formation and breakdown

of anandamide could skew the

endocannabinoid system.

And dietary factors may also contribute to endocannabinoid deficits.

Essential fatty acids

(abundant in hempseed, flaxseed, walnuts and fish)

are biochemical precursors of anandamide;

a diet low in omega oils can compromise the endocannabinoid system.


—Martin Lee


so clinical endocannabinoid deficiency is a very real possibility



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