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I sent an email to Council for Civil Liberties WA today, here it is.




I just want to know exactly what your organisation does, lobbying etc.

I am a member of www.ozstoners.com and I am interested in legalising personal cannabis consumption, and the growth of an outdoor only personal supply.

What has your organisation done on this side of things? I know many people willing to pay the membership fee if you are really going to fight for our cause.

Whatever information you need, I can provide. The current cannabis laws are a result of U.S. pressure, where as cannabis was a regularly prescribed medicine.

'Reefer madness' propaganda from the 50's shouldn't be tolerated, as it has been proved time and time again that cannabis is SAFER than alcohol.


Please call me on (blank) to discuss this, or email me back at this address.








Well, we will see what happens with these guys.

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yeah it would be good to know who to support, and find some other people in wa who are trying to do something about this issue!


Hi Global wingman, I am in WA on the south coast and am busy printing out the petition form to the WA Parliament for urgent action on medical cannabis law reform. Have a look at the cannaversity round table subject and MongyMan has them all printed there for us to print out. I know it originally is targeted at the NSW State Parliament but if all the other states got over 10,000 signatures also and hopefuly many more then we would have to get noticed. This is a compassionate issue to the sick for which the Australian is failing to address.

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