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My 1st grow

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Guest Wilderbud
Oh I just got some "Hortico" All-purpose compound fertiliser for the garden. It is meant to have a good npks ratio but it feeds for up to 4 months and I have read that it is not good for a plant to have to many nutes in the last 10 - 14 days flowering. Comments welcome

If youre trying to get optimal growth and yield then itd matter to have the right N-P-K ratios but youll still grow decent bud with any fertilizer IMHO. I used Ozmocote for a few months before getting some hydro grow nutes and I think Ill flower with some Thrive bloom fertilizer I have here as I like the colour of it :) and its water soluble so it should work straight away - hehe.


Outdoor soil-grown weed tastes great and its fed right to the end so why wouldnt you do it indoors? :D


70W HPS is not very bright BTW so unless youre going for a micro-grow [less than a cubic metre] youll probably need more. 250W is good for a wardrobe and 600W can cover a small room also get a SonTAgro HPS if youre only using HPS as it wont stretch the plant as much as a normal HPS can. If you do have a micro grow then check lighting stores for security lighting but itll cost about the same as a cheap 250W [i checked last week]. :)

Edited by Wilderbud
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Today I got a timer and put my bubs on 12/12. Sadly I don’t have the time to take clones, maybe next time.......


They are growing under 2 cf atm. I was in the hardware and seen some mercury vapour lamps are they any good at all?


If not im gong to make some more lamp cords and put in I think about 6 more cf's (Warm White). lol i just wish I could find a good HID :rolleyes:


pics as soon as I get a web cam as my digicam go thrown at the wall in frustration (Pics so bad You only got pixels lol .


I put some ferts on them and moved my Duck seedlings to the window still. I will be constructing a box for them soon hopefully the light change does not affect the plants to bad......... :P

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After wondering why the hell my plants were not growing well I realised that they were suffering being "root bound" ( I have gardened a lot and dint realise why I didn’t pick this up b4) So today I have unpotted the plants and repotted them in much larger pots, I broke up the root balls a bit and gave them a decent watering. I did have 5 very berry's in my grow cabinet but I can now only fit 4 in there so the weakest plant has been put out side. This plant will now be getting 4 and a bit more hours light today b4 returning to 12/12. Hopefully it will not affect the plant adversely. Sill having problems with the ducks not growing well, I think the seeds maybe a bit off. Although I am extremely happy with the very berry’s I wish they would grow a bit faster ;)


When I have the cash I am buying some more lights and another fan. I am going to setup the remaining male in a large used detergent bucket Roughly a 80cms high I will be putting a fan on top of this and secreting it in a cupboard in the garage This will end up being my chamber for males as I can almost completely seal it off. I am hoping the vb's will start to show their sex soon, But I expect that it will take a few more days/a week until that happens. Not much more has been done on my in ground grow room, but im going to finish it off soon. Pics soon....


I have noticed small whit bumps at the base of my plants is this normal?


And there is also some minor shrivelling of leaves in the lower extremities of the plant but I think this is due to the small pots they were in not allowing enough air to get to the roots thus preventing them from creating the correct gasses for growth (or so I have read)


Peace all

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Hey there black one. Just a tip, when repotting rootbound plants, or any mj plant for that matter, they don't like disturbance. So don't tease the roots, AT ALL.


I mean, the plants are fairly tough, but they're herbaceous annuals with large, delicate fibrous root systems. They aren't the kind of plant which has evolved to be able to withstand a great deal of root stress or disturbance. They need to be able to draw maximum water and nutrients from the ground all the time, as they are the absolute definition of a "Gross Feeder" plant. So yeah, next time you're transplanting, don't tease out the rootball, no matter how bound up it is. It will quickly send out roots once it realises it's in a new pot without any help of that sort. Just a little tip for ya. ;)


I can't quite picture you're male's home... But you said that...

This will end up being my chamber for males as I can almost completely seal it off.

I think you'll find that pollen is rather vigourous and able to travel a fair distance... on clothes, air currents, pets... so I wouldn't be almost sealing, I'd be ABSOLUTELY sealing.... ;) Males are all very well and good if you can control em...


The small white bumps at the base of the plant are just some adventitious root growth. Sometimes happens where the soil surface is humid for periods of time, and I've found some strains are more susceptable to this than others. Don't worry too much about it. But you may want to keep an eye on the humidity levels, just to make sure you haven't got a general high humidity problem. You probably don't, but hey.


The shrivelling sounds like a problem related to the rootbounding yeah, so make sure you've got a nicely aerated and well drained material to pot into.... The plants will pick up soon. ;)


Whew.... Well, I hope that helps, I look forward to future pics of these bubs.... heh heh. Talk to you soon Black one.

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Well I finally thought to my self Fuck it if I get caught growing I get caught So I have setup a full wardrobe in the garage, due to it being the holidays I haven’t been able to visit my plants that much I managed to peek a look this morning and I have two plants with purple flowers I presume these are male My other 3 I am sure are females, I pissed I hope the males haven’t put any pollen out yet, So My question for today "are the plants with the purple flowers most likely males?" I am fairly sure they are A quick reply would be good so as I can rip them out and get some hash going.


Sorry 4 the crappy grammer in in a hurry..... Im repainting the house you see

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Not leaf clr, They had small purple flowers I had a closer look when I had gotten everyone into bed. They were males and they were also an ok smoke ;) I know I know smoking males.... I got a Really bad back I will blame it on. I have now got a few ducks that I am veging rdy to get taken on a trip to the bush. I put in 5 seeds of a unknown strain (Prolly good med from treatingyourself.com) and another 4 I got from ts, also there is 4 more very berry seedlings. So all up there is 13 seedlings at the moment, 3 medium plants budding, 4 plants veging. :) I expect to get a good deal of bud next year, It should keep me out of trouble, well for a small time. The large plants are currently @ about 2 - 3 weeks of 12/12 and starting to get some small buds I haven’t veged these plants much as I am aiming for one large cola any, smaller buds will still be a welcome addition. They are currently under 2 cfs as we had a large storm up here a few days ago It fryd most of my cfs. I am still looking for a good hps, but have yet to find one close by. All in all I would not recommend soil growing to anyone who has to go for stealth it always put off a distinctive small after watering and this smell is very noticeable inside a house. I have yet to try growing hydroponically but his will happen in the near future. I am now designing my next grow room and will be starting a new thread in the appropriate forum. Anyone who is interested in trading Seeds/Clones send me a msg I currently have in my grubby little mitts.....


Very berry

Ducks foot

Two unknown strains from treatingyourself.com


I am looking for sativa based plants with a fast grow rate, but I will trade for whatever comes my way no offers knocked down (But I will not trade for bag weed). I am borrowing a minicam in the next few weeks so keep a lookout for pics....


P.s for those that lock your wardrobe, always keep a backup :P Now i wonder were mine is.....

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