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hey smashed - fingers crossed that things are going well for her today. No pressure for her to spill her guts especially after what will be a stressful day but at same time might be a good way to unload some of the stress. Anyways - shes lucky to have a friend there to help and just generally hang out with her.


Yep, thats the same pain from back of the head into the back of the eye and is bloody awful - with me and possibly yr friend it also comes with lotsa flashing lights etc and at times vision dissolving into nearly nothing - the scarey thing is that not only is it very painful its a sign that the eye and eyesight are deteriorating (though there are numerous other eye pains from just being able to notice and feel you have eyes..). I cant say definetively whether canna will help as Im not a doctor and dont like to pass on false info but for me canna is the only thing that offers relief for that - and yes I have tried and continue to try all available prescription drugs etc. Can also relate to her with not knowing who people are till a few metres away - can vary a lot with lighting and whether your expecting to see a certain person or not etc etc but is bloody unpleasant when cant even recognise friends a few metres away and rather than them thinking it might be due to the eyes they think Im a snob.


The unbalanced thing Im really not sure - I know Ive always had shocking balance, possibly due to only seeing out of one eye therefore not having a 3d view of the world. Seeing out of one eye has also meant I tend to hold my head at an angle and have to lean in to focus which over time has caused a lot of back, neck and hip poblems - lotsa ouchy slipped discs etc. One possibility and this is just me thinking outloud, is that she loses balance when eye is swollen due to increased pressure in the occular (eye) area which possibly throws out sinus and middle ear pressure which is a major factor in balance. Again, thats just a thought.


Best of luck to your friend mate - am thinking of her and wishing all the best

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