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Hi aska,I have open angle Glaucoma, an use a cannabis tincture at the moment ,.I smoke cannabis an vaporize it as well in a volcano vaporizor, the eye drops that the doctor prescribed for me are ={Durotrav an Alphgan eye drops} but they would not drop the pressure in my eyes enough so he recomended that i use cannabis to help drop the pressure more an i told him that i use it anyway lol, he asked me to use some cannabis just befor i came in next time for my eye tests so he could compear the difrence the cannabis made to my eyes pressure.he was very plaesed to see that the cannabis had realy droped the pressure in my eyes,he's a cool eye specalist :thumbsup: which ever way you use the cannabis dont matter it's up to you and how you like to take it that matters ,best a luck mate :bongon: :bongon: :peace:
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Both my grandmothers, my mum and aunts had/have glaucoma. The odds were against me ... ...


So far I have made it to 50 without any symptoms. (I have my eyes tested regularly.) The reason for this, I believe, is due to regular ingestion of cannabis.


I watched my beautiful grandmother's eyes forever weeping tears she did not wish to shed while she gradually went blind. I saw my mother's pupils become permanently pinholed by the eye-drops she used religiously; now she has one pupil mangled into an odd shape (by a doctor who stretched it while attempting to fix an unintended side effect of the medication he'd prescribed) - the other pupil remains constricted. My great fortune is that I'm not sure what advances have been made in the treatment of glaucoma.


I have always honored cannabis as a medicine. From as far back as I can remember, there was research that never really called into question the efficacy of cannabis in both preventing and treating glaucoma. (I am open to any challenges on this - perhaps I was cherry-picking the evidence.) For me the evidence is my healthy eyes for which I am so grateful.


Greetings to all. Rozzamattozz

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Hi Ashka.


I hope you are going well.


At 33 I have had severe acute glaucoma for over a decade as well as being born with cataracts, retina edemas and multiple othere eye conditions meaning I have minimal vision in just one eye. I currently use Xalatan eye drops and have also used Beptoptic, Diamox and others. These all come with nasty side effects and aren't really doing the job. I use cannabis to relieve the symptoms such as pain (like a knife through the back of the head into the eye when pressures are really high) and going totally blind.


Most of my specialists have recomenneded it and a few weeks ago optometrist nearly fainted when he examined my eyes and took my ridiculously high eye pressures. he advised me to consume cannabis asap unless i wanted to go blind in a hurry. yet the Government doesn't think people like us deserve the right to access safe and proven medication. I have and will continue to contact members of perliament about this and i hope you all do to.


I would like to be able to eat cannabis rather than smoke but being on a disability pension and housebound I am unable to afford enough to do so and most often have to go without at all. When I have gone without for extended periods I have suffered profound and irreversable losses of vision which have lead to loss of career and any sort of social life.


One bit of advice for all glaucoma sufferers is always check ALL prescription and over the counter drugs before taking them - dont rely on doctors etc to do so otherwise you may end up losing lots of vision and having several emergency operations like I have recently - eye was mangled in op also so now have double vision to add to low, distorted and unexplainable vision. Things to avoid are particularly steroids but I stress to check ALL drugs - cold and flu, anti-depresants etc etc etc as many of them cause a rise in intra-ocular pressure. Yet they are considered "safe".


All the best with it Ashka.


Dingo, if you dont mind can I ask what state you are in? I am on the lookout for a good glaucoma specialist (to add to my retina and cataract specialists)


I hope some day we are given the respect and human right to access a medicine that is proven to work for us - untill then I guess we are criminals for not wanting to go blind...

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Hey Guy's, I can't imagine how hard it must be to have such an illness. Knowing that smoking cannabis helps, I just wonder if doing a course of the oil ( 60gms consumed usually over a 2 month period or quicker) would be of any benefit. It's curing not just helping in easing all sorts of problems we humans have. I will look into this abit more.




Do you know of Rick Simpson and his oil http://phoenixtears.ca/video-library/

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hi there , i have a freind how has had it for a very long time , i showd her this yesty , so she gunna join latter today


she will be getting 1 her eyes out in next few weeks , in bright light she just sees a hallow of bright glow , or something , she cant see me from 30 meters away ,


anyway , today , she said she put here storry up for ya ,


i forgot , her left eye has been constantly crying/ driping , for last few weeks , an its getting big , pot eases it but only a lil , bongon.gif

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I urge anyone who wants to take on an activist role that may end up changing this whole stupid fucked up situation to talk to their eye specialist about the 'informed consent' letter which grace posted in the linked thread above. Make it perfectly clear to your Doc your not asking him/her to prescribe you cannabis, you are only asking them to monitor your use of cannabis and the real benefits it is bringing.

The truth is the truth is the truth. Put the state governments Director General of Health under notice that politics has NO PLACE in health care, ESPECIALLY when it comes to an individuals right to decide on the TYPE of health care they choose.

Anyone recall the story of the Jehovas Witness woman who successfully sued for being given a blood transfusion that saved her life, against her will, and won? Same legal angle.


Thanks for the excellent posts from the members above and I sincerely hope you can source the right strain to gain some relief from what sounds like a terrible affliction.

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Cheers Vrod - have heard of phoenixtears and would definetely like to try but the amount needed to make a batch is well out of my grasp and to be honest, with the eye problems, Im not great at measurements, handywork etc so is a double kick in the guts that while everyone else can go to chemists and pick up a prepared prescription cheaply I and others like me have to make our own with huge costs involved. Even if I could afford it I dont think I could access the amount needed to make a course. Thanks Australian Health System!

Smashed - best of luck to your friend. I have those halos, flashing lights, multi coloured dots, lines etc all the time due to retinal problems as well as the glaucoma etc (another thing canna is apparently good at healing) and wish I could see people at 30 metres - cant recognise family at 2 metres if in a group of people. I hope she is able to find some relief and comfort from her conditions and I hope the health and legal systems will oneday show people like us the basic respect and dignity we, like everyone else, deserves.

Cheers for the link to the letter Bufo - I'll have to check it against Victorian details but is a great idea to get something like that in the works. I recently asked my local member to sign a Stat Declaration by me stating very similar but they refused - I will try again. Ill also have to look into the legal case you mentioned - whilst I hate the idea of lawyers being involved in anything, let alone health matters, I am seriously thinking of seeking legal advice to test whether the government has a right to withhold proven medicines despite specialists etc telling me it is something I NEED.


Thanks folks and please remember to take all such views to local members of parliament and send copious emails to Nicola Roxon etc she is our nations Health Minister and she is quoted as saying "governments have got a role to make sure they can help people in circumstances they can't control—either through their health failing or an accident". Despite this she refuses to help glaucoma sufferers and is more than happy for us to go blind - please let her know she is a hypocrite and her uneducated actions and decisions are causing ill-health and death.


be well folks

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Smashed - best of luck to your friend. I have those halos, flashing lights, multi coloured dots, lines etc all the time due to retinal problems as well as the glaucoma etc (another thing canna is apparently good at healing) and wish I could see people at 30 metres - cant recognise family at 2 metres if in a group of people.


hji glaucoma , when she gets them shooting pains , she say from back of head through to front ,


she can make people out a 30 meters but says its 5 meters before she can see features on there face , see who they are i mean ,


but wen her eye swells an gets big , she says she looses alot of balance , , any ideas on that one ??


shes at hospital now but later the sarvo she said she would rite a all her years of bull shit ,

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