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Little white hairs

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I have this plant growing outdoors. It was planted in early December and last week to my delight, I found little white hairs

sprouting in various places. Its about 95cm's tall now.

Can you advise what I should now be doing to maximise the yield of this single plant or is it too late?

I have been using mostly a seaweed based fertiliser and it certainly seemed to sprout up after the initial application.


I water it once a day, just a little, but not too much. Its very hot where I am and there is plenty of sun, I am 34 degs south

to give you some idea of daylight hours this time of year...


Thanks and cheers.


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Hey dude looking good :)

if i were you i would maybe start some slow steady lst (low stress training) this refers to tieing down the top nodes so they bend to the side gently and over time you dont want it to snap ;) bending the top nodes to the side will expose the middle of the plant to more sun creating those to shoot up with more delicouse flowers ;) then i would find a nutrient high in phosphorous as that helps with bud stimulation :)

Hope this helps! Look up lst and SCROG they are two great methods to maximizing yield and others have most likely described it better :D hehe

Keep the updates of the grow coming man! Outdoor flower is great!!!!! :)

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yeah too expand the roots you wanna give once or twice a week deep soaking of all the soil its in and then leave it until you stick your finger in and its no longer moist, as for flowering you could give it something like sulphate of potash and as for te seaweed well its mainly for root devolopment and helping the plant against stress i think, maybe get a fish emulsion fertilizer aswell if you can for up until flower :)


Cone :bongon:

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Best thing to do is get some unsulphured molasses from woolies or stockfeed store = then pop down to bunnings and get some PK13-14 and apply that as the directions state and you should be good to go.


Oh and seaweed (seasol) and fish (powerfeed) emulsions are great the whole way through but taper back on the feedings (replace every second one with the pk 13-14 and molasses.)

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Thanks folks, some great advice here. My plant is now over 1200mm and the little white hairs have

coalesced into buds, there is quite a few of them and i'm just hoping now they they avoid being

pollinated as has happened to me a couple times in the past with the outdoors plants.


I did try the phosphorous rich fertiliser, the rose fertiliser is something else I may give a try.

Judging by the size of the buds, I reckon I have about another month to go.


I'll update with a pic of the buds in the next few days.



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