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When you have a young seedling, only feed it very weak nutes and gradually build up. If in soil seedlings often don't need any nutes at all for the first couple of weeks. Also if using a HID light keep it at least a metre away until your plant has a few sets of leaves and then gradually lower it until it is at the correct growing distance.


Go easy on the nutes, it is always better to be too light on the nutes than too heavy. Make adjustments in nute strength in small increments


If a plant is showing signs of nute burn the best thing to do is flush your system with plain PH adjusted water then try again with a new nute mix.


Avoid spraying the leaves of your plant under a HID light when it is on. Nutrient or pest sprays and even plain water can badly burn your plant under lights. Spraying in flower can also cause mould on your buds.


Don’t overwater. Plant roots need oxygen as much as water and not giving them a chance to breathe will kill your plant. The best growth is achieved through a wet/dry cycle where roots are allowed to breathe in between waterings. Leaves will start to wilt if overwatered in which case you need to let your roots dry out a bit. This is also the reason MJ plants like an "airy" medium with good drainage. Perlite is often added to soil mixes for better drainage.


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Edited by pipeman
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i read in a book that if u can, get a mix of nutrients at 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, etc upto double strength and use them on the same strain....


ofcourse you wouldnt do this when the plants are seedling but once they are big enough, you put each plant on a specific amount on nutes and then compare the growth rates so you can determine how much nutrients make them grow at the optimal rate :thumbsup


personally i believe no nutes should be given the first week or 2 but after that u start at 1/2 strength for a week or 2 then use full strength B) worked for me everytime :thumbsup

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