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Queensland: STOP Cannabis Arrests and Prosecutions Now 1 2
By MongyMan,
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Like many OSA members, I use pot medically. I use it for a condition that will eventually kill me and I know that. I have a will and I'm an organ donor. I thought this was about all I needed to have. I am about to tell you a story, a true story of a woman who passed away last week from brain cancer.
She was diagnosed 3 years ago, after having a siezure, with a glioblastoma or a grade 4 brain tumour. She was given 11 months to live and told the Dr's to 'piss off 'I want to be around for my granddaughters first day at school' at the time the granddaughter was 3. She had surgery, radiation and chemo (and some of my medication
), which worked for a while. About 9 mths ago she started having problems walking. She returned to hospital for a MRI scan, it was not good. She returned home and her family nursed her in the home. The family spoke to her of her wishes but nothing was written signed nor witnessed. Approx 2 months ago she was admitted to her local hospital after losing all mobility.
From here the medicos took over and made all decisions, there was some consultation with family but mainly around the progression of the disease and not much about treatments or processes. She was very aware of her surroundings, the tumour had attacked her cerebelum affecting motor skills and speech, but not the mind. She was still there. She lost the ability to swallow and the dr ordered nil by mouth. She had no drip for fluids, nothing. The hospital staff left her in a room with other patients who were eating in front of her, she could see it, smell it. But was not allowed any. A family member complained to the nursing staff and to shut the the family up the staff placed a sub cutanous (under the skin)drip in and not intraveinous IV or in the vein (a higher rate of fluids can be given IV). The average person needs 100ml per hour, more active 125, older 80, IV. They also need sugars or glucose but her drip was saline(salt water)and at 40ml/hr.
The hospital were strongly informed of her wishes and the family were asked for the paperwork, what paperwork. This woman was not in a palliative care unit with specialist nurses, just the surgical ward with general nurses. She needed strong opiud painkillers everytime she was moved and at first they would give the meds and 10 min later come and wash or move her. But then came new nurses with no idea. There was very little care taken at all the injection would come and sometimes 45 minutes would pass then they would need to give her more, before moving her, as the effect had worn off and family saw them move her 'a bit like moving a sack of potatoes'. All this time she was aware but unable to communicate with words. The nurses would come in and ask 'Are you in pain dear?' but she couldn't answer. 'well if she can't answer we can't provide' Her face was beetroot red in agony and yet they had to ask. The family told the nurses how to tell. Towards the end the family, who by this time were at the hospital 24/7, were telling the nurses when to give her more, she needed more although she was having meds pumped into her constantly via a battery pump.
This woman did not want to die, she fought it all the way. The death certificate says she died from the cancer but after 38days of no food and less than adequate water (let alone medical care) she died from starvation in my view. If she had been given nutrients she would still be here, if she had been given a gastric tube for food she would still be here, she was still aware up until 5 hrs before she passed. I have seen 5 people pass away previously but in these circumstances, their mind was gone. This woman couldn't speak but she could still communicate, her mind was still there and she was still fighting.
The hospital would not listen to her wishes via family and although she did have things written in her will. This was open to a broad interpretation ie 'to die without pain' interpreted as 'High on painkillers and starved to death'. I don't think so.
Now I am not writing this down as ammunition against anyone, but people need to know. What to do, how to do it to make sure that your wishes are followed. Talking about it ain't enough. You need documents, signed witnessed documents.
So, Ive looked into this a bit cos this shit ain't happening to me nor my loved ones. The torment is indescibable.
Here is what I've found:
They are called Advanced Directives. There are two sorts, one called a 'Living Will' and the other is a 'Enduring Medical Power of Attorney'
ONLY HAVE ONE SIGNED AND WITNESSED because they may conflict with each other under interpretation
The living will is basically what this woman had. Her will had some directives but their interpretation was wrong from the family's view but the Dr's had the say and proceeded.
'Enduring Medical Power of Attorney' gives a loved one the authority over the treatment. This only applies if the person themselves is unable to have that authority themselves.
Now you can go to a lawyer and have either of these documents written up professionally, for a price, often recommended if there maybe family fights over who has the say (or the biggest mouth)and a lawyer will know all those big words and know how and when to use them. Another option is to call the Cancer Council (131120) and ask them to send you the information. Fill it out and go to your legal aid and ask. Another option is that the law society offers free 1/2hr legal advice in most cities. Both documents need to be signed and witnessed to be valid, you can't just write it up and leave it in the bottom of a drawer somewhere, it must be witnessed.
Now here is what I've done. I have a will, I also have a MEDICAL ONLY living will, written up, that my wife has, but not witnessed. This means my wife has written proof of my wishes, but it is not a legal document until witnessed. My wife also has 'Enduring Medical Power of Attorney' signed and witnessed. She has the say. No other family member can object she has the power and it is her interpretation that counts. I also have signed witnessed authority giving her full and unfetted access to all documents pertaining to me. She may not understand all of the information but she can take it for another opinion or clearer explaination.
I was a supporter of euthanasia, now I am an advocate. If you starved an animal you would be charged with a criminal offence, but a person it's OK. That my friends is WRONG
If anybody has further information around any of this please let us know.
By the way that woman did get to see her grand daughters first day (and year) at school. And by christ did she put up a fight she was always a stubborn, determined bitch and I can only hope that when my time comes I can be half as strong stubborn and determined as she was.
Rest in Peace RS
Always loved. Always remembered
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