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What Now?Plants are gendered

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Oh, and just a quick thought to add, most aero systems are great for clones, but aren't brilliant for seed growing. They sometimes get blocked up with the profuse root growth... Once you've cloned out a mother then you'll be able to grow shitloads of weed in that system...


Growing pot is pretty easy, but information you've been given has fucked you around.


I couldn't agree more WC...


Do some serious research Kaliking, and we'll help you out as well... :D


Don't worry, you'll be right, just takes a little patience to grow good weed... :P

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the concern on my screwed up grow.

Yeah i do agree I listened to easly to bad info when I should have stuck to my origanal plan, I guess because im a beginer I thought that maybe some people might know more then me, Well I know you guyshave a combined knowledge that will never lose, but I listened to the wrong people. Thanks guys atleast I know your here to help anytime and I can usually always trust all of you.

Well my grow didnt turn out to be a waste after all!!!

Am i correct in thinking this is a female not a hermie either!!!


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Hell yeah Im gonna clone that mamma.

But im gonna wait a few weeks until this grows almost done, I dont want to cover my closet in plants, I now if I clone soon that when this grows done Ill have plants waiting to be moved but right now Im just gonna take it one thing at a time. My roommate is afraid adding more plants will add to the smell, haha.

I think Im gonna grind most of the males but I might leave one in this grow, then clone all females for next grow. I have 2 different strains so hopefully the one last plant that I cant tell is male or fem is fem but different strain then the fem i have now. That would make me happy!!


Anyone use Clonex or Olivias cloning solution?

Clonex is a gel which Is much easier to use then most rooting solutions.

I think Im gonna use clonex this time.

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Guest weekprik

I suggest taking the clones on the day your plants are turned to 12/12, OR if you are not after lots of weed fast then just go through the grow and reveg the plant and keep as a stock producing mother plant, and take clones off that. I would take some at turning though, Keep the ones that look good in 2 weeks, throw out the others.


That plant could also be a Hermie just dont stress it, and put some additive like superthrive to help stop the stress, Ive also seen stuff that you spray on hermies that supposedly makes it more female than male.


OR you could let a male pollinate your female and then your buds will have seeds, and these seeds you could save and then cull the males and clone the female, that way you have seeds if something goes wrong with the clones and put them in the fridge just incase.

Edited by weekprik
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Yeah I am gonna go to my hydro store and see what i can get, I doubt ill be able to get superthrive though.

What im gonna do Is what you said before.


"you could let a male pollinate your female and then your buds will have seeds, and these seeds you could save and then cull the males and clone the female, that way you have seeds if something goes wrong with the clones and put them in the fridge just incase. "


Not a bad idea, Its what i was gonaa do down to putting them in the fridge. Even if the seeds are not as good as origanals they will still be better then bagseed. The seeds might be more prone to turnig hermie i would think.

Ill post what the end yeild is on this grow and Ill let you guys know if turning the lights back to 12/12 has helped my babies out.

Well Im hitting the sack Thanks.


Edited by kaliking
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