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What Now?Plants are gendered

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Hey guys,


I have just genderd my 7 plants that I am growing in a Aeromachine.

Looks like I got 5-6 males and 1 female. The males are 3 ft tall and my fem is over 2 ft. My max height I wanted my plants at harvest was 41/2 ft, Since i have turned the light down to 6 hrs the plants are now blooming. The males are growing the seed thiings and now growing floral flowers at the tops and were branches meet, and fem is growing floral flowers at top. I was at first going to put the plants back into veg stage but the plants just kept growing, (Im guessing that males arent as photosensitive as fems because the 1 fem slowed growth alot), So now i think im going to just continue on the flowering stage since they are tall enough.

This was just my first trial grow for my system,Im going to have all fems next time, but yeild wasnt important this time, I was growing from seed, now i can clone. PLus if i threw all the males away then id only have 1 plant.

My question is-

Since i have 1 fem can i cover it or something to keep it from being pollonated?? Even though all my plants are touching? I dont care if it does though, Ill have seeds for later.

What light schedule should I continue on to get the best buds and to try to get them to 4ft?

What nutreints should the plants get now? Should i still give them alittle gro formula or should i continue to use bloom nuts?


Right now im usuing 1050ppm with distilled water (5ppm) With mainly bloom, but contains a little grow. With ph 5.8-6.0.

And light source is 400watt Mh, and 430hps.

The plants have been on long nights for alittle over 1 week.


The main question is what light shedule, and how much longer till harvest?


Heres pic of what they look like.




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you gotta rip males, they aren't smokeable in the slightest, if you try to smoke males all you will get is a headache and a bad taste in your mouth. Having males in your crop will completely ruin your yield of smokable material. Rip them out right now.


As for the light being on 6 hours or whatever, I hope not, I hope thats off 6 hours and on 18hrs. Anyways to flower your plants they need 12 hours on and 12hours off, keep em at that until you harvest.


It also looks like you might be keeping the light to far away or growing too cold, those internodes are too long. Lower your lights to about 1ft from the tops of the plants.


If you put that female on 12/12 now, she would be ready in 2 months, but I would put her back into 24hrs of light, veg her until shes nice and big and wide, then put her into flower. At the moment you would be lucky if that plant yielded 1 ounce. Males dont really yield anything, they are nothing but trouble and growing them will just put a dint in your powerbill, trust me on this.

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just be careful that they really are males though. Swollen calyxes on females can be mistaken for male balls by newbies, thats what I did. Try and post some closeup pics of the what you think are male plants. The other reason I think you may have made a mistake is it is pretty unusual to get mostly males in a crop.
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Guest weekprik
Swollen calyxes on females can be mistaken for male balls by newbies, thats what I did.


yea Ive heard you cant tell a female from a male, or is that just people not the plants?? :rolleyes: ;)


what size can I sex a seedling??

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Last week i put the lights on a longer night regimen so that i could gender them, But 3 plants in the back slowed growth and look good, but the 5 big ones that you could see in the pic just keep growing taller, I have a total of 830watts at 1 ft from top, They just kept getting closer and started to burn themselfs, The room isnt to cold, 83 during the day and 75 nighttime, with 40-60 hundity.

Even though I keep moving the light the big ones just get taller But the little ones that may be female are grow at normal rate, with small internode intervals. I dont know why the tall ones spread out, they werent like that before.


I think I was told that Kalimist grows very tall, but i could have Ak47 also.

I am pretty sure that they are males, and I have 2 that i dont know what they are.

Heres a pic of what I am thinking a male is.


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Well if i threw away the males then id be left with 1 to 2 plants, but thats fine I guess.

Tell me if thats a male i showed in the pic.

The ones I think are fems havent grown anything to show it was a fem, they are just taking longer and are shorter and stockier.


So what you guys are saying is throw away males, keep fem, put the Fem back in veg stage (more then 12hrs of light), then when tall enough flower it with 12 or less hours of light. Is this correct?

(This is opposite of what I have been told by more then one person, If I have males already grown what the point of throwing them away when they are my whole grow pretty much, Males grow buds too, I have read in many places that males can be as potent as fems but when they pollonate they stop THC production.)


So what should i do, Have one very potent plant, or more then 5 that are already 3 ft tall and in the flowering stage?


Heres pic of plant i dont know what it is


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males most certainly will not be as potent as female bud. but, they will still get you high. I would still suggest killing all your males as they will ruin the bud of your female plants. You can use the males to make hash or cannabutter. Can smoke em too, but it will be pretty harsh. I found them OK in my vape though.
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