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Guest Wilderbud

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Guest Wilderbud

Last tip...


The rest were cut the wrong way. The first of these 4 pics shows the leaf curl and also how bushy it has gotten over the past week and the other pics shows how much its healed and grown. :)


Im glad I re-potted into fresh peat+perlite - straight peat doesnt dry fast enough and the bugs are gone.


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Guest Wilderbud

I just bought a 38W CF for my clone chamber and its not as bright as what I thought it would be although its good enough for clones - Id probably want at least 4 of these to grow decent plants. Ill buy another 2 later for the mother chamber but I dont have enough plants to justify it yet. A hole was added to the clone chamber also so that air is extracted into and out of the flower chamber [temporary ducting].


Ive moved my plant into the clone chamber [even though the light is weaker] to see how good CF lighting is [itd be better with flat white walls]. :rolleyes:


Ive got some leaf here that Ill be turning into honey oil - itll be my first time trying it so Im a bit scared of making a pipe bomb. Ill start making the extractor on the weekend and havent decided on the materials yet.

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Guest Wilderbud

Hmmm, I might actually flower in the mother chamber [which will have 1 natural & 1 warm 48WCF] for this plant as I want to start it next weekend and its too small for the flower chamber and I dont have enough money for a better light for another few weeks. Ill start it under 2 lights anyway. :rolleyes:


Ill take a couple of clones of this plant in a few days to grow again as its a very bushy strain and I want to keep it for its taste [nutmeg bud I hope].

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Guest weekprik

Just my limited opinion, but

I reakon any fluro is only good for clones,

for veg or flower you want HPS,


If you are to grow under a fluro then you need enough bulbs to equal 400watts,


dont get me wrong, they will grow under a fluro and sometimes grow real good, however I believe a fluro costs far more to run over a long period compared to HPS,

Also they wont grow as good or as fast under fluro, Infact I had a case recently where I moved house and had to move the grow, I stored my hps lights and brought out my 4 ft long tube fluros and 4 18watters,

The plants stopped growing and just went dorment, They restarted ok under a HPS,

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sorry to jump on you weekprik but most of what you said was wrong. Fluros will veg just fine and you don't need 400watts, especially for a personal grow. Fluros are much cheaper to veg with than a HID. And if you use compact fluors and keep them close to your plants they won't stretch that much. And last of all, yes plants will grow slower under fluros, but if you got separate veg and flower areas its a non issue. As you have plenty fo time to veg out.
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Guest weekprik

Not 400watts of fluro, just the equlivent of these,


I used to grow under fluros all the time, not the CF just the normal ones, I find the plants to be alot bushier and faster growing when vegging under a HPS.


The only thing that springs to mind also with the CF is the heat that they produce,

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The only thing that springs to mind also with the CF is the heat that they produce,


Uhhhh, you sure about that man? A cool white cf of any wattage is going to be heaps and heaps cooler than any hid. Yeah, they may get warm, but the plants aren't actually touching the bulb, and if the warmth of a flouro is going to cause problems in a grow then you've got some other issues in the growroom to be working on first. :rolleyes:


Yes. Flouro isn't the best lighting source in the world for growing weed, but it's one of them. I think the newer higher wattage cf's will actually start getting more people growing with em. I know I'm giving serious consideration to a cf vegging room.


Also they wont grow as good or as fast under fluro, Infact I had a case recently where I moved house and had to move the grow, I stored my hps lights and brought out my 4 ft long tube fluros and 4 18watters,

The plants stopped growing and just went dorment, They restarted ok under a HPS,


That's probably more to do with the fact that the hps was what the plants were used to, not flouros. They had to adjust to a new environment with lower light levels in order to produce food for itself. Any plant will go through a stall of sorts when moved from one lighting method to another, it's just a fact. Grow a plant under hps for a month or two and then stick it under full sun. It'll go into a state of shock, maybe wilt a little, but will soon recover and adjust to it's new environment. The lights didn't stall your plants, you did. lol Just a thought. lol

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Guest Wilderbud

Weekprik, flouros are OK. HPS beats them but they grow plants and bud stringy buds and stay cool...


Im just starting the flowering as I want it done this year and Im always broke [i also cannot get a large lamp here without delivery ATM - the main reason i dont have an HPS running right now]. lol


1 x 48W warm spectrum CF has been added today. Ill definately buy more of these CFs to experiment with a microgrow later. :rolleyes:

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You can grow good plants under fluoro's, I did for many years, the main problem was being able to crowd in enough 2' and 4' tubes, CF's have solved that problem now. Watt for watt a HID's are far more effective as they have better light penetration through the canopy to the lower parts of the plants and a superior spectrum, for my money the Son-T-Agro is the best globe to use for both veg and flower.


CF's have shown to be effective in scrog grows as light penetration to the lower areas is not that important, although most will agree that the HID will provide a higher yield.

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I saw a shitload of plants under fluoros... The bloke mounted 3 X 4 foot double lamp holders (39$ each)under an old desk, and hung panda film / around it..then raised it with dog food cans filled to within 1 inch of the top with cement. there is enough room for 40 X 250 mm pots under there. It cost him 100$ bills to build it.He said will be replacing the panda film with masonite board lined with Mylar soon






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