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upside down MJ?

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i had a quick thought while on ebay and seen a upside down pot system for a tomato plant, so could you grow MJ upside down

not really going to do it but its only a thought




from the reponse im thinking NOT


lol You can but from the pics I've seen they don't work that well...more a novelty than anything.


Peace MM

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ive seen these upside down tomoato setups, but I dunno if it will work so well with Mary Jane...


Tomatos are more of a vine and when they fruit up, the weight of the tomatos helps to drag it all downwards...


would be interesting to see a grow in this style though... I have seen 360 degree weed grows where the light is in the center of a big cylinder and the plants all grow toward the middle.


like mongy said with the upside down... more of a novelty thing, just to see if it can be done :disguise:

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