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yeah cool mate.......but while im the only one commenting in the 7PM Project, im getting hammered.....


guess i took the argument to the wrong place......im not feeling the love over there :whistle:








Hey Chron console.gif

Been checking the archives on Insight, still think it would be a better forum.. Only thing is gotta give name to register shy.gif or suggest a new topic..

You know what stoners are like , they usually need some-one else to get the ball rolling laugh.gif.

You'll soon feel the wub.gif then.

Let's not forget also how many are already doing so much quietly from OS, to get this topic out there and up for reasonable, intelligent discussion worship.gif


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Heya Chron =) , Hang in there Kitty :thumbsup: . I just went and had a look at the thread on Cannabis. Are these people even living in the real world? I think what ya get from 7pm viewers is a bunch of wine sipping, holier than thou right wing cock heads sitting in their inner city apartments complaining about the injustices in the world over a cheese platter and doing sweet FA about it... just makes them feel like they make a difference or that they even care. F**kwits.

Mate I would back you up on there but I don't like forums I don't know that I have to sign up for. I will talk to my doctor about seeing if he is willing do something up for me concerning my Cannabis use for severe back pain and Anxiety/Depression. If I can get it, I'll post it up on OS (minus personal details of course. lol . )

People are so close minded man, I can't believe the response on that forum. Unfortunately those stories on Mental Health and Marijuana have done a lot of damage to the image of Cannabis in general. The ones with cry babies saying how it wrecked their lives Blah Blah Blah...........when in reality they probably use Meth as well, or abuse alcohol, or were more prone to mental illness due to pre existing conditions/genes. Or they were just cockwads in the first place to begin with and screwed up right royally and needed something to blame it on.

Good luck mate and we do care :freak: . :peace: Gh72

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Heya Chron =) , Hang in there Kitty :thumbsup: . I just went and had a look at the thread on Cannabis. Are these people even living in the real world? I think what ya get from 7pm viewers is a bunch of wine sipping, holier than thou right wing cock heads
perzachary :thumbsup:

and those are the people im trying to make see the truth.......there`s no point educating the cool peeps cause they`re already cool.....we need to correct thos bullshit replies with truths


i understand people not wanting to sign up to a forum they`er not familiar with but have a good think about it aye.......i mean.....ya signed up here :scratchin:


and what would ya really like, to have the bullshit carry on in the masses....in turn concreting the stereotypical scumbags thought that we`re too lazy and incompetent? :scratchin:


or would ya like these ignorant arse holes to see the truth? :scratchin:


thanks heaps for all the support peeps......but im not asking you to support me, im asking you to support you!



all the best,

Me :peace:

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Ok Chron,

I bit the bullet hard.


SBS Insight topic suggestions:



I would like to see an intelligent discussion on the benefits of legal medical Marijuana usage in Australia.


Australia is so far behind the most of the world in this area, due to the mass hysteria created by low brow agenda setting popular media.


This is an important subject that if given the correct forum, such as Insight, I believe a lot of attitudes may be changed and perhaps start the momentum needed to get this subject out openly and honestly in the public arena.


Reply received: Thankyou for your suggestion.


Would be good if they were bombarded with similar requests



Edited by dani
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sorry chron

mate joined up and had a look at cannibis

that testy got me so worked up ..i could not think of anything nice or civil to say to those narrow minded..misinformed..tools..what a bunch of haters...

not really violent unless provoked..but id love to slap that testy fair of his soap box.. :chair: (must be the weed talkin)

the hole thread is just dribble...and id rather not converse with people who just want to hear themselves..

some of the points made where just pathetic..and then blah blah blah.. im so farkin educated ..blah blah ..never met a adjusted stoner Blah blah...community wreakers...Blah blah if only they KNEW....

love to put them in the position of people usng medicinal for a day..fark 1 hr even...

uttery disgustered...HM

Edited by hydgemite
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yeah man i here ya, there a bunch of cunt and i wish em all a good bout of crabs....

but truth is....i pumped em with facts and they classed it as news reports and deleted it. :rolleyes:


bunch of piss weak pissants with fuckall to do but gossip about tom dickn harry down the road........what can i say, i tried :/


not gonna stop mi pushing either ^_^



fuckem..........moving right along




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