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fertilizing, how much ? Tipping heads

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Hello all,


Firstly what a killer site #1 it is aussie and 2 there are real people wanting to help a beginner.


Got 2 young plants one from clone (outside plant) and one other from seedling, bit of a struggle getting the clone to root well but now is cranked up. both were started in organic veg concentrate mixed with surrounding soil. now comes the questions how much am i fertilizing these gals ?? started using seasol and powerfeed got some thrive to use too but am a bit weary of it, at the mo its every 2 weeks as suggested on seasol instructions. Hoping for 6 footers and hopefully different strains i have no idea about the seedling. The clone is red devil. :devilred:

One more is i have heard of tipping the heads when they come to ensure spreading of the plant any advice on this ? :helpsmilie:

anyways would greatly appreciate an time given to my question


Smoke to open the mind people :peace:

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Welcome to OS Fooz. Me personally I feed my outdoories frequently. This will cause quite a few to roll their eyes but...


Once they're over 12' high I water them every day...then I hit them with a double strength solution of thrive ie 4scoops to a 10lt bucket poured liberally over the plants EVERY day. An old wog canna grower taught me that by watering first it prepares the soil for fertilizer. it will also prevent salts building up. When you pour the thrive it disperses throughout the full soil spectrum so you don't have a concentration that'll burn the roots. NEVER pour fert onto dry soil. Mt outdoors regularly yield over 3lbs each. When they get to about 3' high then tie them down. I use star droppers 'cause they're heavy & they have holes to tie your string to as the branches grow...best way to grow stealthy in your back yard.


The above is my opinion only,,,remember opinions are like arseholes...everyone's got one!!!:devilred:

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Thanks blokes they are some good tips i appreciate the time.


Mungas im also glad that i have the thrive situation out in the clear, i suppose you would understand that i would rather hear someother peoples opinion before possibly hurting my babies. but now will use with clear good intentions.


Cheers again

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