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water and nutrition for outdoor growing


Some of the best looking cars in the world wasnt slapped together, the preperation that goes into them is what

made them.Prep is the key to success and chuck in some patience and what do you know most of us a capable

of turning out some cheech and chong..

Soil can range from rock hard clay to a dirty beach unfit for a mud crab,prep your soil right and the need for

over rated weekly nutrients wont be needed..the key here is to prep the soil long before your greens go in :


Improving your soil


Dynamic lifter-supplies macronutrients which are nitrogen,potassium

and phoshate these are required in small amounts.

They also supply trace elements which are calcium,magnesium

sulpur,iron,manganese,copper,zinc,boron and molybendum


mushroom Composting:

Composting provides organic matter which is rich,sweet smelling you should avoid using LIME

with compost as it icreases the loss of nitrogen, compost is also a P.H neutral


Blood and bone:

contains slow release nitrogen,phosphorus and calcium when using this as a soil

improver add potash aswell


liquid seaweed:


After heavy rain or over watering can wash away nutrients so top up with this

and be sure to keep the nutrient levels.

Always follow label thinking an extra cap will give a steroid like dose is

bull i use 30ml in 9litres and water every 2 weeks.



After conditioning soil and finally planting kick back with a stubby its a long season

but can be very rewarding biggest yield ive seen 21oz of a single plant and smallest

being just under a oz plant genetics play a role in the final product.


Take it easy just be patient and relax after all this is what this plant is all about

J herra

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