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What to do with 8 foot high plants?

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I moved into a new home a few months back and immediately set about preparing a vegie garden. In the process I discovered some cannabis shoots, obviously remnants of the previous tenants (blessings to you!). So I thought I'd let them grow, not having grown the good herb before, and now their towering above the roof guttering and I'm not sure what to do with them from this point. They are about 14 /15 weeks old, growing in the ground, and nestled amongst the tomatoes and snake beans. The soil is rich and volcanic. I turned it over before planting and dug in some green manure and compost, with a layer of mulch on top. Each fortnight I fertilise modestly with worm juice and seasol. It's all organic. I haven't trimmed a thing, just let em grow. They are north facing and get 10 hours of direct sunlight each day. However, it's been very wet here in SE Queensland so they've copped a drenching.


2 questions:


The plants started to show signs of flowering 4 weeks ago and I obviously want them to develop some nice heads. What should I do from this point, if anything, to boost them into the heading phase?


If I cut the tops off to bring them below the roof line and out of sight will this hinder their development in any way?


Thanks in advance for any feedback I get - may your day be filled with green!



Edited by Walkabout
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aye mate :wave:

Just tie em down as low as possible b4 breaking point and then leave em for a couple days.......then after a few days have passed, tie them down some more....until the branches are about 1foot off the ground. :scratchin: .....if ya do that you`ll get heaps more "tops"


as for kicking em into gear, get yaself some "sulphate of potash" from coles or bunnings and feed as directed....or


plants require more P&K(potassium & phosphorus) during the flowering/blooming period, but they still require some N(nitrogen).....so if ya can buy yaself a nice slow release organic poultry manure and chuck it in a bucket followed by half the box of sulphate of potash and a bottle of fish emultion.....then add enough water to just cover the mix and let it sit for a day or two......

once that mix has sat for a couple days it will swell up and turn into a slurry........give it a stir and add a cup of that mix into a 9/10ltr bucket of plain water......then poor it on the roots.


ya plant will farkn luv ya for it :thumbsup: ..... you`ll get fatter, stickier, tastier buds than ever before :D



good luck,



Chron :punk:

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hey walkabout


mate chron is one the money

hahaha...."not having grown the good herb before, and now their towering above the roof guttering and I'm not sure what to do with them from this point."

thats gotta be one of the best newbie probs iv heard...some would kill for plants above the roof..(but i can see the stealth probs)...letalone the previous tenents planting them for ya :applause: ..might have been gunnda throwing his OMS around..mate thats a classic first grow...


Just follow chrons advice TO THE LETTER..and you will have a monster mate..he knows his outdoor...

keep us posted mate ..should be a pearler...HM :peace:

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Thanks Chron, I'm more than happy to heed your advice mate. I'll be out there tying the stems down just as soon as it stops raining. I was bending the stems back and forth with my hands during growth so they should be pretty flexible. And I'll make up a bucket of the mix and let it sit. I'll definitely post pics along the way.


I pulled a smaller plant out yesterday and made up a butter using the (exact)recipe in the Cannaveristy section. Holy shit - put me on my arse. :thumbsup: :haha: I gotta post some feedback there later. This is a great site - glad I joined!

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hi walkabout, there good looking plants there, but id be tieing sum fishing line around the bases an run ning it up in a window an tie a few alluminum cans ( empty ) an site them along the window sill, couse theres a chance they might of left them there for sumone else to do all the work for them ????? good luck bro thumbup.gif
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Thanks for all the encouragement good people, I'm gonna follow Chronmasta's advice to the hilt :bow: Got the slurry mix all made up and sittin there doin it's thing. We got a day of sunshine here today (pissed down all day yesterday) :thumbsup: so I'm going outside right now to tie the branches down, then I'll spread some slurry around the roots, as per Chrons directions, kiss each plant on the head and sit back and serenade them. :guitar:


I'll wack up some snaps in the process.


Hey Chron, how often should I fertilise the roots with a cup of the mix in 10 litres of water? :wave:


Have a happy day folks.

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hey mate, im glad you`re taking my advise......i promise you`ll be happy with the results :)


as for how often....i would suggest once every 10 days :scratchin: .......if the water doesnt go too dark when ya add the cup of slurry, ya could get away with feeding em every 7days :scratchin: ....i just say 10 so theres no chance of burn :uhhuh:


a good idea would be to feed one more than the other and monitor the results ;)




all the best,


Me :punk:

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