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Inject reality into drug debate

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If there is anything more mind-bending than drugs, it is the drug frenzy that accompanies each new announcement of a drug bust.


Drug busts have a hallucinatory effect on headline writers who declare each raid to be the ''bust of the decade'' or even the ''century''.


Among police and politicians, drug busts cause memory loss and irrational thinking. The latest raid, they regularly declare, will keep drugs off the street and protect our teenagers from the ravages of hallucinations, memory loss and irrational thinking.


However impressive the police work behind the latest bust in which 31 people were arrested and $9 million of drugs seized this week, it is unlikely to halt the steady rise in drug use. How many times over the past 20 years have we seen a stern-faced police commissioner standing beside a table loaded with drugs declaring the haul to be the biggest yet, and seen no subsequent change in the drug market?


Given that almost 60 per cent of all drug arrests in Australia are of marijuana users, according to the Australian Crime Commission, it is surely time to reassess our approach to drugs. Taking cannabis out of the criminal justice system would be a good start.


For every handful of hard drug suppliers nabbed in made-for-television raids, thousands of marijuana smokers are charged each year. Although in most states first offenders caught with small amounts are likely to be diverted into a program, many smokers acquire a criminal record and some go to jail.


In 2007-08, the latest year for which statistics are available, 44,374 marijuana smokers were arrested or received civil penalties (available in Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory), and 7460 dealers were nabbed. In NSW almost 11,000 smokers were arrested.


People with the misfortune to live in Queensland or Tasmania were six times more likely than those in the ACT to be arrested for smoking marijuana and to get a criminal record. Something is seriously wrong and unfair with Australia's little war on drugs if the main casualties are non-violent marijuana smokers disproportionately residing in two states.


Despite the millions of hours and dollars spent on drug busts over decades, illegal drugs remain widely available, cheap and potent.


The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research this week released data showing arrests for possession of cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines and other drugs have risen from 33 to 45 per cent over the past two years, and arrests for possession of cocaine in the Sydney local government area have risen more than 50 per cent. The bureau's director, Don Weatherburn, attributes the rising arrest rates not to greater police work but to increased use of the drugs.


Nationally drug users and those who work in the area such as doctors and police, reported to the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre's monitoring program that in 2010 heroin availability was ''very easy'' or ''easy''; the cannabis market "remained stable" with use common; cocaine use was at its highest to date, mainly in Sydney; ice use remained stable; and use of speed and base had declined.


Cast our eyes to the United States and it is clear that three decades of drug wars dedicated to reducing the supply have failed as the Mexicans join the Colombians and Afghans in the illicit and seemingly unstoppable trade.


Liberals are just as susceptible as conservatives to drug frenzy because the alternatives to raids, arrests and supply-side combat seem too risky. However much they experimented with drugs in their youth, where their own kids are concerned liberals harbour the fanciful notion of a drug-free society.


Here the Portuguese have a lot to teach us. In 2001 Portugal decriminalised possession of up to 10 days' supply of all illicit drugs.


Instead of being arrested, people were referred to regional committees with the power to impose warnings, fines or driving restrictions, although in practice they mostly gave no punishment. Simultaneously Portugal increased its investment in treatment and harm-reduction services such as methadone substitution.


The first independent evaluation of the experiment is now in. Conducted by the University of NSW academic Dr Caitlin Hughes and Professor Alex Stevens, of the University of Kent, it shows fears were not borne out.


Over nine years the modest rise in drug use by adults has been no bigger than that in other southern European countries. There has been a reduction in drug use in school students, a fall in drug-related deaths and in HIV and AIDS, a reduced burden on the prison system and an increase in the amount of drugs seized by authorities. The police were able to refocus attention on the upper end of the market. The positive trends were not present in Spain, which was used as a comparison.


The aim of a drugs policy should be to reduce deaths, disease, crime, the jail population and the waste of taxpayers' dollars. If we can't eradicate drugs we have to learn to live with them in a way that causes least harm.


The Portuguese model may be too radical for starters so let's begin with a conversation about decriminalising marijuana, which has been used by one in three Australians aged 14 and over, despite it being illegal to possess, use, grow or sell.


And then let's see if we can't talk sensibly about allowing committed heroin addicts to get their drug from a pharmacy instead of the black market.


There's no drug for drug frenzy. The only cure is a sober, clear-eyed appraisal of the evidence.


Author: Adele Horin

Date: 11 December 2010

Source: Brisbane Times


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:thumbsup: At last a journo's coming straight out with some correct facts, and the editor allowed it to be printed.. Won't change anything with our ignorant politicians, but if it can help change some peoples misconceptions then it's a great start..

Thank- you Grace for another excellent post


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the outlawing of illegal substances has indeed given rise to industries on both side of the law.

while i am 100% with everyone here on the legalisation and taxation of illegal drugs.

i often wonder how much that decision would hurt our economy, prison officers are going to lose their jobs( not that i care about them, they are all screws to me), D&A jobs would also be slashed, there will also be less police hired, and last but not least how is the current crime commission going to continue be self-funded.


all i am saying is that the legalisation of drug, will not come over-night, nor it should. for it would cause upheaval within our society. graduate changes should take place, and it would be nice if the government could make a start in the right direction.

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the outlawing of illegal substances has indeed given rise to industries on both side of the law.

while i am 100% with everyone here on the legalisation and taxation of illegal drugs.

i often wonder how much that decision would hurt our economy, prison officers are going to lose their jobs( not that i care about them, they are all screws to me), D&A jobs would also be slashed, there will also be less police hired, and last but not least how is the current crime commission going to continue be self-funded.


all i am saying is that the legalisation of drug, will not come over-night, nor it should. for it would cause upheaval within our society. graduate changes should take place, and it would be nice if the government could make a start in the right direction.

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