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Ted Baillieu's first major policy in his war on drugs

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Moves to weed out retailers and make bongs a pipe dream

December 5, 2010


THE ''green'' movement in Victoria has been dealt another blow by Premier Ted Baillieu: his election promise to ban the bong wasn't just smoke and mirrors.


The newly-elected Coalition government will introduce legislation outlawing the sale and possession of bongs, the water pipes popular with some cannabis users and, until now, available legally in more than 100 outlets across Victoria.


Mental Health Minister Mary Wooldridge told The Sunday Age the required amendments to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 will be tabled next year in line with previous bans of ice pipes and cocaine kits. Consumer Affairs Victoria inspectors will police the ban.

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Ms Wooldridge said there would be an education period for retailers - essentially a transition period leading up to enforcement. ''This isn't about surprising retailers and penalising them for something they didn't know about. We will do our best that people are informed,'' Ms Wooldridge said.


She said the ban may take in other smoking paraphernalia, such as hash pipes, but would not include ''hubbly-bubbly pipes'', or hookahs, which are gaining popularity in Middle Eastern-themed cafes.


''This is about reducing access to cannabis-smoking, particularly for younger people … not targeting people who undertake certain cultural practices,'' she said.


Bong retailers were scornful of the move. Jim Kouts, managing director of the Off Ya Tree chain - which has 16 stores across Australia and has been in business for 33 years - said the ban made no sense. ''During the prohibition of alcohol, they did not also seek to prohibit drinking glasses. It is exactly the same thing,'' he said.


Mr Kouts said bongs were the safest way to smoke cannabis because the smoke was water cooled. Bongs would still be available online or might be made at home despite the ban, he said. The ban would have no impact on the level of cannabis use, he said.


In a street poll on Friday, The Sunday Age found little enthusiasm for the ban: six out of eight people gave the bong a thumbs up.


Australians rank among the world's top cannabis users, according to a 2009 paper published in British medical journal The Lancet.


The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of NSW this year reported the number of Australians seeking hospital treatment with cannabis-related problems had jumped 30 per cent since 2002.


our politicians need a wake up call..

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Stupid f***ing c**** this is outrageous, and who calls a hookah a hubbly-bubbly? Idiots!

Fuck obesity no one is allowed forks.

Fuck cardiovascular disease no one is allowed cows

Fuck chlorine no one is allowed drinking water?


FiX shit that matter please! What the heck is going on. I'm in a cafe eating a ham and cheese croissant and a long machiatto which will kill me faster than the 4 ft long bong I have.

And what of vaporizers? My iolite I use almost every day for atleast 30minutes.


Ass clowns.

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Moves to weed out retailers and make bongs a pipe dream


The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of NSW this year reported the number of Australians seeking hospital treatment with cannabis-related problems had jumped 30 per cent since 2002.


Would love to see the figures behind that statistic....


Patient A: "Nurse, I have cronic lung disease from 40+ years of smoking ciggies"

Nurse: "Do you smoke any other substance?"

Patient A: "Yes, cannabis occasoinally"

Nurse ticks the cannabis related box.... :doh:


Patient B: "Nurse, I broke my big toe after a huge night on the piss whilst getting out of the taxi:

Nurse: "Did you take any other substance this evening?"

Patient B: "Yeah, had a few cones at home before we went to the pub"

Nurse ticks the cannabis related box.... :doh:


Ted 'Fucking' Baillieu: "I know, we'll ban bongs and that'll fix everything"


Fuck you Ted.

Edited by avs
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I sent this off to the libs this morning.


I spose I am taking a risk of getting busted as they want an address, which I gave them.


But fuck it I am sick of lame attempts of pleasing the public. Hoodwinking them into believing that they are doing something constructive. I also had to put in something about not legalising for my own sort of protection as I may get visited.



banning bongs.

I have read that the Libs are banning the sale of bongs. I hope you realise that you will be causing more harm than good by banning the sale of bongs. Whilst I agree that bongs should not be sold to anyone under the age of 18 all you are doing is driving the cannabis smokers who use bongs, to start making their own bongs out of plastic tube and a plastic soft drink bottle the harm to health through smoking from plastic home made bongs will cause the intake of more carcinogens from the plastic instead of smoking through glass.

I bring this up because there is a lane behind my house and on one occasion I found a home made bong that was thrown into my back yard from the laneway. It was disgustingly filthy, I have since disposed of this dirty rotten implement. I have to assume it was young kids using this and something caused them to panic and toss it away (into my back yard). This lame attempt at pleasing the public is not the answer. This policy will cause more harm than stopping young people from smoking cannabis.

Somebody has to get some balls and open the use of cannabis to public debate. Please do not try to tell me the harm caused by cannabis smoking. More harm is done to health and families through legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco.

Banning bongs will not decrease cannabis use. Are you going to ban cigarette papers, tobacco pipes or plastic bottles and plastic tubing?

I have witnessed first hand the harm brought to a family through alcohol (my family). Whilst I do not advocate legalising cannabis, I just wish that there was more honesty and open mindness about the cannabis debate.This policy is not the answer.


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Yes ted is a religious nut job! no place for him in politics, should have just band them from markets and the like not shops, any idiot with half a brain can make a bong in seconds, the teenagers who just scored a deal will most likely make a bong rather than buy it so its a failed plan already.

All i can say its state law no federal law so if i buy one from the usa or the uk its still gonna make it to me, customs wont care at all, customs will only care if its against federal law and in most other states they are totally legal so ted your lame ass money wasting policy has failed already. Good to see my tax dollar being spent wisely

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Prick has to be seen doing something about drugs just to placate all the right wing wankers & old farts that voted him in :thumbdown: He's too gutless to take on the REAL drug cartels so he picks on peace lovin' tokers instead >:( Rann the wanker did it over here in S.A. & now you can't even buy a pipe!!! Wonder how much the pricks are getting from the real crims to leave 'em alone???
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