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Guest elefunk_delivers

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Guest elefunk_delivers

Sup peeps..

sorry i havent been posting an a while.. (t000oooo busy)

but my question today is:


Ive just recived at 250mh off a friend.. (Big-upz Mik)

and ive just thrown it into my vege cabinet.. (i originally had 400hps in there) what kinda differences in grow.. should i see


clones are about 3 weeks old now..

and shooting new tops...


and do u think the plants enjoy the different spectrum of light

or would i have been better off just leaving the hps in..




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Hi elfunk,


Your clones may react better to the MH light than the HPS light. The light spectrum of MH lights are better for veging than HPS lights. The reverse is also true, HPS light spectrum is generally better for flowering than MH lights.


This is where lights like the Son T HPS is supposed to have an advantage as it has the light spectrum of HPS lights and also some of the light spectrum that is emitted from a MH light.


Hope this helps

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