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What options are there for medical usage?



Hello all, just had a chat with my father about a issue that might have some relevance here, but even with a lot of google kung fu I havent been able to find exactly the answer that i'm after, so i'll ask here. I got his permission to do so :) Dont Worry :D


Bit of background:

(I cant include many specifics, relating to his identity, just yet anyway)


My dad is a ex-military serviceman with medically diagnosed severe PTSD. By that I mean that he, when not medicated, can be incredibly irrational, violent and aggressive, as many PTSD sufferers can be when re-integrated into society.


To treat this aggression (and subsequent depression), he has been medically treated with just about every anti-depressant and mood modifying drug known to the excellent physicians and doctors at his treatment facility. These drugs include zoloft, valium, various sleeping tablets, several other anti-depressants, and more recently, Oxycontin. He has been up to and beyond the maximum dosages allowed by a typical doctors prescription, as the entire time he has been thoroughly observed by highly trained medical staff.


The problem with Oxycontin (basically *morphine) is that treatment cannot be stopped once treatment starts, or it causes heart failure. I havent researched that as much as I should have but I'll take my dads word for it. When it comes to his treatment he knows whats happening.


Heres the problem. His hearts starting to go, it is diminishing in capacity to pump blood which is never a good sign.


He has come to me with a question, which I now put to you:


Is medical marijuana (plant form) available in Australia for people who are suffering terminal illnesses or wasting disease?


I have done a lot of research but it seems that the line in australia is drawn at man made cannabanoids. I.E. Sativex etc


Heres the thing though, and heres where you guys might get excited.


He has the support (apparently) of the police, Carry On (a retired servicemans support charity), and his doctors (at a repatriation clinic run by the government). I wouldnt be surprised if he had even more support but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.


Who would he need to lobby to push medical marijuana? Is it possible for him to apply for special consideration due to his conditions?


Could he possibly even begin MM reform in Victoria?


edit: I'll add further that he has been using marijuana since leaving the military. (They pump him with charcoal every now and then... rehab basically). Just it hasnt been completely.... legal. But all his doctors, the police, and the aforemention charity all *know about it


We are talking about someone who has already beaten the military to get his TPI (totally and permantly incapacitated) status.


edit 2: Some background on Oxycontin



Oxycodone is in Schedule I (derived from the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs) of the Commonwealth's Narcotic Drugs Act 1967.[87] In addition, it is in Schedule 8 of the Australian Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons ("Poisons Standard"), meaning that it is a "controlled drug... which should be available for use but require restriction of manufacture, supply, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological dependence."[88]"


Isnt dope a Schedule I substance? Does that mean dope would also need to be a schedule 8 to be prescribed legally?


He's in Victoria.

Edited by HighFlyer
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Hi Highflyer,

Sorry for your dad, you sound like a good kid who loves his dad and needs help. you will find a lot of the information you are looking for in the medical section of this site..

You can't take it all in in 1 go.. So take your time and do your research.. Look at medical MJ strains and how these can be used in cooking.. Pot is not always about smoking it for the benefit of it. A lot of oldies and i mean over 80s love cookies for their arthritis etc. But MJ is not always the answer for everyone..

Cheers and good luck :peace:

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when u say Oxycontin basically morphine... a more similar drug is heroin... its is basically manufactured heroin.. i was on that shit for a year or two... and they can wein u off slowly by reducing dosage and adding a drug like valium to reduce withdrawals... but once ur on it.. very hard to come off it...
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