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Let the fun begin. Our new premier is a hardliner, he's never made any bones about it, I've never liked him and didn't vote for him ... but good on ya if you did. But didn't he also mention "more jails" and "zero tolerance" at some stage?


so no more bongs for Victoria???


People are going to lose jobs and income. In my case, because I make my main income from other things than paraphernalia so the loss of income from bong prohibition going to roll off like water off a duck's back for me, but I know a couple of people whose main income is glass for smoking out of. Hookahs will stay legal? How is a hookah different to a bong? Culture? Aren't bongs cultural, too? Sigh. Fuckers! I hope they get beaten down if they try to introduce this legislation or the whole thing is going to go underground even more ... and that'll be fun.

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