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Bongs to be banned in Victoria next year

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This is ridiculous. Didn't they try this in QLD and they just came up with pourers? the U.S has 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prisoners due to their hard stance on marijuana, which is where all their problems are stemming from, like states going broke trying to keep prisons open, or opening new ones because the ones they have are already full.


I swore I would never smoke a homie ever again when I bought my first glassy, and I hope I can keep that promise. If it all goes to shit I'm gonna have to take my hard earned Australian dollers and start spending them online in overseas stores.



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good lord i remember those days of the homemade bong, it was fun to see which mate could provide the most comfortable smoking device. but what comes directly to mind are so many BAD memories of receiving hardcore hits of pure PLASTIC!! These laws banning bongs are seriously TOXIC!!
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And we all know if someone gives you a lovely bud to roast and you don't have anything to smoke it with, we can all Macgyver something up in 10 seconds flat.


Surely your not alluding to the fact that a bong isn't necessary the only means of smoking and even if it were could be made from a myriad of household items?


This is a complete waste of time, resources and money.


At worst a bong can be fashioned from a stick of bamboo which you generally don't have to look to far to find.


FFS if it came to it I'd roll a joint from unbleached paper.

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