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Bongs to be banned in Victoria next year

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Yep it's fuckin ridiculous, no doubt about it. I've never been much into the whole activism side of things, but I sure hate feeling like a second class citizen so who knows, I might actually get off my arse about this!


I also read today on the Age that Bailieu plans to ban 'smoking in a public place'. So in other words ciggies are available to be bought anywhere, but they can't be seen either on sale (that comes in next year) or in peoples mouths. It's total populism of course - the actual statistical dangers of limited exposure to cigarette smoke are minute; even smoking a pack a day for 10 years only raises your risk of lung cancer from 3% (non-smoker) to 4%. We're not talking about a sure thing here!


Couple this with Bailieu's plan for mandatory sentencing and his huge increase in police, and I'm starting to wonder if the prison population is going to explode with people who are there on minor shit. Like possesion. Just like the fucking US. We all know how THAT's turning out.... more of their population in prison that any other country ever. And a huge number are there for pot.


Oh who am I kidding, that won't happen here. Bailieu IS pretty scary though, for a goon.

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Ted Baillieu is about as useful as a dildo covered in razor blades! :wallbash: I hope this also means he is gona ban garden hose, plastic bottles of all descriptions, tin foil and blutac, i mean come on you fucken idiot at what point did you think that bongs wont just get home made at home or ordered from the net?


Id love to see a group of ppl make hundreds if not thousands of orchie bottle bongs, springers and all other manor of home made bongs from everything from coke bottles to windex bottles just to show this stupid bees cock of a man that you can make a bong from ANYTHING and dump them on the steps of parliament house as a visual protest! Just like the do all those ducks in duck hunting season, ya cant stop ppl channeling Macgiver when it comes to bong building! :peace:



Why dont you Victorian guys actually organise this protest? It sounds awesome!

Im sure the paraphenalia retailers would help spread the word to the local stoners.

There would be no legal repurcussions if you dont smoke weed or carry weed during the event so it wouldnt involve the paranoia of doing a true 420 protest.

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Hmmmm well, theres not much left to say.

Maybe i will take up glass blowing? how do i do that? google will tell me.


But yeah i really do like the idea of making 1000s of bongs out bottles and hose and dumpen them on this cunts doorstep.


So we need:


a shit load of old garden hose - i have about 15M of collapsed shit ready to be chucked that would do the job.


lots of plastic bottles - recylcing bins


people to make these.


Then a few people with trailers or utes to put them all in.


I guess you could get fined for mass littering or somthing>? that could be a bit pricy..

it would be better if 100 people turned up at once, each with a couple of garbage bags full

of home mades.


or we can just sit back and take it up the ass and order of the internet?


so many options..

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I guess you could get fined for mass littering or somthing>? that could be a bit pricy..

it would be better if 100 people turned up at once, each with a couple of garbage bags full

of home mades.


Just apply for an arts grant FIRST, then you should be right, and you'll probably make a profit too! :)

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Yeah it's a good idea I reckon, but we'd wanna be smart about it...


Make sure the media are there to see it (the more the merrier), do up a press release so the message is clear and concise (journos especially like it if you pre-write the story for them) and most importantly, do it at a time when there is already some media coverage, for example when the issue is actually due to be discussed / tabled in parliament.


That way it would achieve maximum impact, and bongs would still be legal so there would be no danger of prosecution. :thumbsup: Except maybe for littering...

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It also proves that our elected mp's really don't have a clue, they don't get out there and actually see how people live and what conditions they live under. mp's just don't give a shit really. Money grabbing, vote catching legal criminals thats all they are, they should be out in the streets like Sam Newman (although I am not a fan of his arrogance and ego)he does tell it like it is. :bongon:
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