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Forced to grow my Meds



Thought i'd post my experiences with Dr's the past few weeks....


Recently due to personal issues i decided to see a head shrink... aka Psychiatrist.... not by choice by thats another story in itself... anyway for those that dont know me ive been using Marijuana for approx 10 years with a 2 year dry spell in between.. recently been using everyday for Pain Relief due to a childhood knee injury i have arthritis, i also use for Anxiety and take medication for depression... ..


Well recently i decided to give up the alcohol and Marijuana..... Alcohol because it makes me act like a madman... spending money left right and centre.. being argumentative and basically a down right idiot... And Marijuana (temprorarily) because i am sick and tired of having to deal with bullshit dealers who are selling low grade weed at exorbatent prices and i refuse to spend top dollar on a plant i can grow myself... not to mention much better quality....


So the DR Prescribes Valium 2.5mgs to 5mgs 3 times a day.... sure works fine.... i feel near no anxiety.... What he didnt tell me was he was only going to presribe 100 pills of valium for Marijuana and alchohol withdrawals.... so i asked the question "Does Marijuana has withdrawals symptoms?"....Yes! most definately he replies and mentioned that Marijuana stays in your system for upto six months you may be craving it..


So i see another Dr approx 5 days later and first thing he says is... Well we need to get you off the Valium.... due to your past substance abuse...as Valium is extremely addictive... which is fair enough if i was abusing them...by the way he also put me on Tramadol for pain and Celebrex as an anti inflammatory...all these problems were lessened and beneficial to my personal well being by smoking the herb ......but a life without anxiety is all im asking for i tell the DR... i ask the DR is there any anti anxiety drug that isnt addictive? or doesnt have abuse potential?.... he straight out says No!... theres isnt... So i mention Marijuana... and proceeded to tell him that when i smoke marijuana my anxiety is almost instantly relieved.. depression is minimal, reduces my arthritic pain and i feel much more outgoing... plus its known to be non addictive... He also debated that point.. " it is habit forming and can cause psychosis and skitzophrenia he says"..also mentions that studies have been made on effect of marijuana for pain and said its pain releiving effects are only minimal and not worth the risk as the long term effects are not known... which pretty much infuriated me... im thinking ...So you DOCS have no problem slamming Anti depressants, Pain Pills and Celebrex.. which is known to cause heart problems down my throat.. and hope thats the cure all....i havent touched the celebrex btw.. that shit went in the garbage...


So Basically now im growing my own plants...have about 80 Valium pills to keep me chill till harvest.... i'll grow my own fuckin medicine.. With Marijuana it has much better anti depressant/anxiety effects than valium... and i hadnt taken a pain pill for years till i stopped smoking for a week now the pains are back... and its much easier to break a habit like Marijuana if i so choose to smoke it...than to wein myself of valium and put up with physical withdrawal sypmtoms.... im more convinced now more than ever after being off weed for a cpl weeks now that the Medicinal effects are being neglected and straight out ignored...


anyway thats my rant... moral of the story.. Reefer Madness is alive and well in 2010....

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I wanted to add something small regarding medicinal cannabis use.


Firstly for medicinal cannabis use to one day become legal, medicinal cannabis users need to remove their consumption away from the consumption of recreation users and everything associated with recreational use.


I know it may be difficult for many people but growing your own for medicinal use helps to eliminate the dealers from the equation and thus eliminate much of the criminal stigma attached to users for medicinal purposes.


Secondly medicinal cannabis users need to become involved on a political level. They need to join their local branch of the Greens or Labour parties and tell their stories at local branch meetings. Social changes come about through revolution or incremental change from the inside. Medicinal Cannabis requires the later. The more people who want the right to use medicinal cannabis get involved politically and the more medicinal users shun the criminal associations with rec users the sooner we will have legislation protecting medicinal users.

Yes we need a medical cannabis register which could be easily done and it would be very interesting how many would be on that list. I would love to help compile it, there needs to be a central point where all cannabis related websites could sign up. Its always the same old problem though, people understandably get paranoid about exposing themselves in the ridiculous illegal environment we are in.

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Seems like the way I will have to go....I am 42yo,was diagnosed with PTSD,manic depression(bipolar)and ADHD at the age of 28.Over the years I have been prescribed everything,and most pills the docs wanted me to take...well I was lucky if I could function,let alone get up in the morning early,see at the earlier age I was a single father,I could not afford to be fried nor wanted to be,the survivor in me I guess,aswell fighting a custody battle in court.I suffer from alot of bad images,the day time flashes I have learnt to deal with,but,its when you go to sleep is when it gets you.I was told along time ago by a friend to try smoking pot before you go to bed...because a high thc/indica also stones the sub-conscious....tried it,works better than any other pill,I can still get some sleep and get up in the morning to take on the world.Well I one the custody battle met a gorgeous little nymph,had a son with her,and we are happy,small business and have smoked every day since,one anti-dep and im doin good,apart from the son I fort for for so long....well he is 21yo now and given me hell...lol.now my prob is that I leed a pretty fast paced life,dnt quite have the time to grow atm,and what is pissing me off is that I spend good money buying crap,low thc and sativa,last half an hour if that,you have to smoke copious amounts to get stoned,so I find myself just going through the paces,and whats more irratating is that we have had some great brand name strains in past years,but can only dream atm.If they legalised it I would be a lot healthier and richer.Seriously at the end of the day if it wasnt for weed'..I would prob be dead or in jail with no son or wife and another son.My old man was an alcoholic.......give me pot over that shit any day!! Troy :)
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I hear you there AJ....... I decided instantly, the moment the Doc told me there is no pharmacotherapy available to treat my condition, I knew that this was only due to the medical industry has turned it's back on natural or 'alternative' remedies, relying instead on the pharmacutical companies to have all the answers.
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