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Forced to grow my Meds



Thought i'd post my experiences with Dr's the past few weeks....


Recently due to personal issues i decided to see a head shrink... aka Psychiatrist.... not by choice by thats another story in itself... anyway for those that dont know me ive been using Marijuana for approx 10 years with a 2 year dry spell in between.. recently been using everyday for Pain Relief due to a childhood knee injury i have arthritis, i also use for Anxiety and take medication for depression... ..


Well recently i decided to give up the alcohol and Marijuana..... Alcohol because it makes me act like a madman... spending money left right and centre.. being argumentative and basically a down right idiot... And Marijuana (temprorarily) because i am sick and tired of having to deal with bullshit dealers who are selling low grade weed at exorbatent prices and i refuse to spend top dollar on a plant i can grow myself... not to mention much better quality....


So the DR Prescribes Valium 2.5mgs to 5mgs 3 times a day.... sure works fine.... i feel near no anxiety.... What he didnt tell me was he was only going to presribe 100 pills of valium for Marijuana and alchohol withdrawals.... so i asked the question "Does Marijuana has withdrawals symptoms?"....Yes! most definately he replies and mentioned that Marijuana stays in your system for upto six months you may be craving it..


So i see another Dr approx 5 days later and first thing he says is... Well we need to get you off the Valium.... due to your past substance abuse...as Valium is extremely addictive... which is fair enough if i was abusing them...by the way he also put me on Tramadol for pain and Celebrex as an anti inflammatory...all these problems were lessened and beneficial to my personal well being by smoking the herb ......but a life without anxiety is all im asking for i tell the DR... i ask the DR is there any anti anxiety drug that isnt addictive? or doesnt have abuse potential?.... he straight out says No!... theres isnt... So i mention Marijuana... and proceeded to tell him that when i smoke marijuana my anxiety is almost instantly relieved.. depression is minimal, reduces my arthritic pain and i feel much more outgoing... plus its known to be non addictive... He also debated that point.. " it is habit forming and can cause psychosis and skitzophrenia he says"..also mentions that studies have been made on effect of marijuana for pain and said its pain releiving effects are only minimal and not worth the risk as the long term effects are not known... which pretty much infuriated me... im thinking ...So you DOCS have no problem slamming Anti depressants, Pain Pills and Celebrex.. which is known to cause heart problems down my throat.. and hope thats the cure all....i havent touched the celebrex btw.. that shit went in the garbage...


So Basically now im growing my own plants...have about 80 Valium pills to keep me chill till harvest.... i'll grow my own fuckin medicine.. With Marijuana it has much better anti depressant/anxiety effects than valium... and i hadnt taken a pain pill for years till i stopped smoking for a week now the pains are back... and its much easier to break a habit like Marijuana if i so choose to smoke it...than to wein myself of valium and put up with physical withdrawal sypmtoms.... im more convinced now more than ever after being off weed for a cpl weeks now that the Medicinal effects are being neglected and straight out ignored...


anyway thats my rant... moral of the story.. Reefer Madness is alive and well in 2010....

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I have late stage HCV and liver disease. Ganja is the only medicine that gives me relief without making me sick or a damn zombie. The specialist has given me less than 8 years but warns I could 'fall over' at any time. But she can't/wont prescribe what I really need. Bugga!


But it is not that easy to grow your own, especially if you can't trust your neighbours or have the space inside and a green thumb. And it is not easy to get if you don't know anyone you can trust to ask. Especially here on the Granite Belt in Queensland. Adelaide is just out of my reach.


You are one lucky sucker merl1n. You are counting your blessings by the pound I hope. Light one up for us who have to go without!



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Hi there antares


Luck ain't got much to do with it, determination maybe, but not luck.


Prior to moving to my present location I lived in town in an area that was less than hospitable. Any sniff of weed and you were due a breakin. A good carbon filter and tight, very tight lips. If somebody thinks you've got what they want they will try to take it. If they don't know, they don't know and you're safe. You really only need to trust one person. You.

Don't show off to anyone. "Look at what I've got" will always lead to shit. Even friends can be envious or jealous. After a few beers a friend at a party says 'hey I know this bloke, he's got a setup.........

Make sure you are safe and secure. You don't need a huge space have a look at some of the grow diaries. I saw one there recently under a workbench with very little space


I'll spark one up for you no worries, but you don't have to go without. Make a plan, start small, learn and progress. That is how I started and at first the 'green thumb' was very brown and ounces were a triumph. But now, yeah, pounds are nice and as I said to another OS member it is so nice to say "It's mine, all Mine"(Evil Laugh)


If it's your primary medication or part of your management plan, as it is mine, then you will find a way. Remember it's a case of determination not luck.



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I wanted to add something small regarding medicinal cannabis use.


Firstly for medicinal cannabis use to one day become legal, medicinal cannabis users need to remove their consumption away from the consumption of recreation users and everything associated with recreational use.


I know it may be difficult for many people but growing your own for medicinal use helps to eliminate the dealers from the equation and thus eliminate much of the criminal stigma attached to users for medicinal purposes.


Secondly medicinal cannabis users need to become involved on a political level. They need to join their local branch of the Greens or Labour parties and tell their stories at local branch meetings. Social changes come about through revolution or incremental change from the inside. Medicinal Cannabis requires the later. The more people who want the right to use medicinal cannabis get involved politically and the more medicinal users shun the criminal associations with rec users the sooner we will have legislation protecting medicinal users.

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G'day Kon and Everyone,

Thanx for sharing , I know that many of us here can relate.

I agree with Merl1n about the determination , It's pretty much the 1st requirement I have personally when it comes to a place to live.

Running water is a close second. ;) heheh


Unfortunatly , even being a simple-living Hermit up in the Hills , growing a few plants for personal medicinal use is not without risk of persecution by the Law as many find out. It's an outright lie that small time growers don't get busted in the Eradication Task Force Raids ... many do , and unless the operations are different this year , I take issue with the SuperIntendant Copper who says otherwise as it is FACT that many personal growers have been busted in all years previous.


Then there's doctors (if they even believe you have a problem or pain in the first place) , sheesh ... where do I start ... Most hand out all sorts of dangerous and addictive chemicals without any research into the cause of problems or discussion with the patient ... and unfortunatly , most humans expect their doctors to be extremely trustworthy and concerned with their welfare , because that's the common-held Illusion. As we all know , this is not always the case. (They aren't all bad though and even the ones who are don't always necessarily "mean" bad).


The mention of Cannabis to doctors is usually avoided , and for good reason too ... the last person you need persecuting you is your doctor and ALL other medical practicioners who read your medical records. It's a big risk ... and that first hurdle of mentioning the matter to your doctor will most likely not lead anywhere Positive. This reason alone is a great barrier to opening a "dialogue" with your doctor about personal Cannabis Use. I know for a fact that my current doctor is anti-Cannabis but another up the hall is not , but it isn't as easy as just switching doctors ... especially when addictive pain medications are involved.

Ultimately though I think it's better for "the Cause" to be truthful with your doctor about it , they might not like it but some may see reason if your reasonable about it. Personally I know many times I've mentioned the topic to people who aren't "down" with it at all and made it clear but after a few well versed sentences based on all the positivce facts and It's hard for an intelligent person to not take notice ... possibly even show interested.


I should think it a good idea to create a few simple 1-2 page documents in some form (pamphlets etc) that people who have trouble quoting all the factual evidence can present to their doctors (and other people around them or in their community) and be confident that It indismissibly puts forth the true and positive Facts in the best fashion possible. This is a relatively simple but time consuming task and I'm honestly suprised that no such thing really exists. Having such information circulating on paper will have much more effect than all the Internets in the world I reckon , your gonna be hard pressed to get your doctor to troll thru OzStoners me thinks. ;)


Anyhoo , just typing a few thoughts while I'm here.

And Speaking of thoughts ... mine keep going back to the police who are the most real and prevelant threat to All Cannabis user , but especially the Medicinal users as they have a genuine need for the medicine that ales them. True Story.


(^ Although I can't agree with the above post about associating with recreational users because they are somehow associated with "Criminals and are seemingly "criminals" themselves? ... I disagree and many so called Dealers are just simple people trying to pay their bills and feed the kids also. Supply and Demand drives it ... Cops seize Plants , Prices Go up , Demand goes up and the "small-time" personal users suffer.)


SO ... I'd like to thank NSW Police for totally ruining my year by making me pay exorbitant prices for my medicine and having to go without decent food and such to alleive the pain of my goddamned broken neck and the discomfort associated with the LEGAL addictive/lethal pain medications , among other things. Sigh. :wallbash:


And here's to the lady at the surgery who rang me up to hassle me on new years eve about filling in forms because "He (the Doctor) had to come in on a SUNDAY! to save my life and so desperatly needed to be paid , ooooh! , poor bastard!) :stunned:




Cheers all , and may better times prevail :peace:


Budman :toke:


P.s. Sorry if I went off-topic ... I can't even tell if I have or not lol , Cheers! :bongon:

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Hey Fellow sick people,


I've just found this site after 18 months of moral struggle over the fact I'm a housewife that smokes pot to deal with chronic illness. So the low down is that I have suffered from acute nausea for about five years. For the first three I put whatever the doc's proscribed me down my throat with blind faith. But pretty soon I was taking medication to treat the side effects of other medication, then ended up with poor liver and kidney function as a result of that. Over time, I developed the opinion that docs are just glorified drug pushers... they are the drug companies pimps. :devilred:


So now I smoke pot to treat the nausea and help me cope with all of the anxiety that comes from having an acute chronic illness. After reading all of the posts on this thread, I've come to realise that there is support out there, that there are others in the same position as me. It's a good feeling :)


I've been buying my stuff, but after reading that so many people grow their own, I think I'll investigate that option. I would welcome any advice for a 1st time grower. I have some seeds hoarded, at least thats a start.




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Hi Misha,

I to have had to fight the moral negativity surrounding pot. The stigma of it being an illicit drug, just like heroin is often overwelming in its ignorance. Or the idea its a gateway drug, first you smoke pot, then speed, then heroin and coke. If this is the case then tobacco and alcohol are the first gate, but governments won't make tobacco or alcohol illicit they make too much money from them. And some members of the medical profession encourage this 'illicit' perception. I have attempted to inform dr's, with less than positive results, being labelled a drug pusher in one instance, as this man was a professor and how dare I question him. I do grow, but I grow for me. I support myself, not push.


Here you will find many open like minded people and good support. It really does help to have a network of people who know what the hell you are talking about when it comes to managing your pain your way. Many of us here do. Housewife or not we should all have the right to manage our own pain. You now have access to that network. Use it to your advantage


A seed is a start but you need to have a look around this site to see how you want to grow that seed as there are many options. Outdoor or indoor, what method in ground, hydro, flood and drain, recirc, etc the questions go on. Start by looking at what sort of area you have to grow in and have a look at Cannaversity. When you've made a choice on how then start asking questions. Lots of people have lots of RELEVANT info here.


Enjoy your stay, I know I have.



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Hey Merlin,


Thanks for the reply, it does mean a lot to feel there are others out there in the same boat as me. I have had the same reaction from a health professional, a councellor :devilred: asked me if I thought I was alert enough to care for my children when I was smoking. :bangin: My answer was a lie of course. I told her I didn't smoke when they were in the house, why couldn't I just stand strong in my convictions? It took me 3 years to find something that eased my gastric condition, why can't that be o.k. with them? As a child I thought of doctors as those that took the pain away, what a horrible thing loss of innocence is.


Right now it's 7.17am and my dealer didn't drop last night, so I've run out of medicine and I'm feeling a bit panicked and pissed :crybaby: , I am so sick of not being in contol, you know. This is why I've decided to grow my own. I was considering an indoor system, but I have an empty bird avery in the backyard that I think I will convert to a green house with stuff from salvage yards. I was thinking of putting a false wall at one end so I can hide the plants if neccesary. My husband is an irrigation specialist, so I think I will hook him in to my plan too... he just wants me to be well, happy and have a good life, what a love he is :wub:


I will definitely be on here all the time, this site has been an angel in my life right now, which came to me as they often do, in completely random time


Cheers and Thx

Misha :wacko:

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There is a time to 'stand strong in my convictions' and a time to bullshit thru your teeth. It's your choice when to do either so long as you are aware of the risks. My convictions, I'm pretty sure, got me busted from the professor calling the blue boys. Ooops, one risk I underestimated but I learnt the hard way". There is a time to 'stand strong in my convictions' and a time to "bullshit thru your teeth". You ask why it isn't OK with them, because they did not perscibe it and remember the Dr's all know more about your body than you do (in their own small minds). This attitude REALLY PISSES ME OFF. I want to tell them "Here, have my pain for a day, now make your judgements" So now I don't tell them shit about my self medication. I go there to get my scripts and specialist referrals but otherwise I stay away. FUCKIN DR"S, I hate em.


You could use your avery but the more direct light your plants get the better the end result. You don't say whether you are using sunlight or electric. Does your avery have solid walls or solid roof. Indoors is the safest from prying eyes and noses as the smell of nice maturing buds can attract unwanted attention. As hubby is into irrigation a hydro system would be easy to setup. And if you're unsure, you ask. We were all noobs at the start and we learnt the knowledge. Use that knowledge. As I've recommended to a few others have a look at cannaversityLots of good info. But if your not sure, ASK. If you have a problem somebody here has had similar and knows how to fix it.


It really is absolutely brilliant to have a partner who understands your predicament and supports you. My wife does not smoke but fully supports my pain management regime. And although others are quick to pass judgement, that support from someone who genuinely cares, helps to make things easier rather than feeling eternally guilty. My view, if it works for me then F$%K everybody else.


Have a good look around this site, there is heaps to learn.




P.S. Budman, don't worry about going off topic too much. We all need to vent sometimes and I agree that this is a topic that gets me heated also

But, as you say.........and may better times prevail

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Your story is much like mine, even down to the arthritis. only difference is I havent been back to my doctor to tell him how well im doing without my anti depressants and valium + pain killers. Because i found a cure all by myself, and i think its wrong he couldnt have suggested it upfront instead of handing me bottles of valium for months and months (luckily i dont have an addictive personality) but Im going to go back and see my arthritis specialist and tell her how im doing, because im interested to see what she says regarding my latest research haha :P :applause:



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Hey Merl1n,


Thanks for your supportive reply ^_^ , so many of the illnesses we endure are what I call 'silent' illnesses.' We suffer them alone too much of the time, way too much. It's funny you made that comment about my husband's support, he and I were only just talking through that topic the other day. It is THE most important thing to me, it's the only way to reconcile my self-medication.


So I say FTDS (fuck the doc's), this is my only reference to them from this point on, they aren't worth stressing over. :bangin:


As far as the growing thing, We've found a place in our yard... which is bout an acre... that's not detectable from any angle, including air, so I guess it's bush bud growin'. This I can do, I used to ride a motorbike up bush back in the heeey day and tend for my beauties quite adaptly. I've got my seed soaking in distilled water right now, they're just about ready to go into soil. I'm going to have a look at some other chats for info in a minnie, but I think I've got it covered. But if anyone one does have any tasty hints bout growing outside in warmer climates, I'd really appreciate it, I was down south as a child.


Once again thanks for the chat Merl1n,


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