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Forced to grow my Meds



Thought i'd post my experiences with Dr's the past few weeks....


Recently due to personal issues i decided to see a head shrink... aka Psychiatrist.... not by choice by thats another story in itself... anyway for those that dont know me ive been using Marijuana for approx 10 years with a 2 year dry spell in between.. recently been using everyday for Pain Relief due to a childhood knee injury i have arthritis, i also use for Anxiety and take medication for depression... ..


Well recently i decided to give up the alcohol and Marijuana..... Alcohol because it makes me act like a madman... spending money left right and centre.. being argumentative and basically a down right idiot... And Marijuana (temprorarily) because i am sick and tired of having to deal with bullshit dealers who are selling low grade weed at exorbatent prices and i refuse to spend top dollar on a plant i can grow myself... not to mention much better quality....


So the DR Prescribes Valium 2.5mgs to 5mgs 3 times a day.... sure works fine.... i feel near no anxiety.... What he didnt tell me was he was only going to presribe 100 pills of valium for Marijuana and alchohol withdrawals.... so i asked the question "Does Marijuana has withdrawals symptoms?"....Yes! most definately he replies and mentioned that Marijuana stays in your system for upto six months you may be craving it..


So i see another Dr approx 5 days later and first thing he says is... Well we need to get you off the Valium.... due to your past substance abuse...as Valium is extremely addictive... which is fair enough if i was abusing them...by the way he also put me on Tramadol for pain and Celebrex as an anti inflammatory...all these problems were lessened and beneficial to my personal well being by smoking the herb ......but a life without anxiety is all im asking for i tell the DR... i ask the DR is there any anti anxiety drug that isnt addictive? or doesnt have abuse potential?.... he straight out says No!... theres isnt... So i mention Marijuana... and proceeded to tell him that when i smoke marijuana my anxiety is almost instantly relieved.. depression is minimal, reduces my arthritic pain and i feel much more outgoing... plus its known to be non addictive... He also debated that point.. " it is habit forming and can cause psychosis and skitzophrenia he says"..also mentions that studies have been made on effect of marijuana for pain and said its pain releiving effects are only minimal and not worth the risk as the long term effects are not known... which pretty much infuriated me... im thinking ...So you DOCS have no problem slamming Anti depressants, Pain Pills and Celebrex.. which is known to cause heart problems down my throat.. and hope thats the cure all....i havent touched the celebrex btw.. that shit went in the garbage...


So Basically now im growing my own plants...have about 80 Valium pills to keep me chill till harvest.... i'll grow my own fuckin medicine.. With Marijuana it has much better anti depressant/anxiety effects than valium... and i hadnt taken a pain pill for years till i stopped smoking for a week now the pains are back... and its much easier to break a habit like Marijuana if i so choose to smoke it...than to wein myself of valium and put up with physical withdrawal sypmtoms.... im more convinced now more than ever after being off weed for a cpl weeks now that the Medicinal effects are being neglected and straight out ignored...


anyway thats my rant... moral of the story.. Reefer Madness is alive and well in 2010....

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Haha. The usual un-informed scare mongering of the establishment. The long term effects of MJ are minimal compared to the eating hardcore pharmaceutical's every day.


I had a doctor prescribe 5 mg xanax to me at the age of 16. I was taking anti-depressant's for teenage depression and dex-amphetamines for ADD.


It just goes to show just how irresponsible doctors can be when they are being paid to give you this crap.



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Hi Konflict,

I so relate.. My valium is 5 mg and take as required.. Sometimes i require 30mg a day.. sometimes nothing, depends on how much pot i have..

both my shrink and family doc told me to smoke more pot as i tried to withdraw too hard and fast..

saw them both for different things, same day but was told same thing word for word.. better to smoke..

More drug related deaths are caused by prescription drugs than any illegal.. This is FACT, so stick with the pot. No-one has ever died from pot, unless they were hit over the head with 1


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Onya Kon for having a crack mate. :thumbsup: . Yeah the alcohol just ain't good for some people and mixed with anti-depressants is downright dangerous. Give that shit up.

Mate it's hard trying to argue your point with doctors, don't forget these Pharma companies regularly visit doctors with free samples and take them out to lunch etc........I think this should be illegal, it is half the problem with Docs perscribing Pharma drugs WillY Nilly.


Kick the piss, keep ya cash in ya pocket and keep ya chin up mate. Cannabis seems to agree with ya, just go for strains with a mellower buzz or body stone, will help ya pain and mellow out ya anxiety. Good onya man. Respect. :peace: Gh72

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Weed is a godsend for my migraines, if not for my nightly cones i'd be gobbling codeine based prescription drugs & also walking the addiction rope as well as kicking the shit outa my kidneys & so constipated i'd be shitting bessa bricks. :stunned:

I'll be buggered if i'm going to buy any of that crap commie shit the dealers sell either. Last time i bought from a dealer the toadie also offered me a whole bunch of nasty nasty drugs - no thanks!

I also have relatives who are disapproving of my smoking - i ask em, how often do u guys get headaches? they say, oh cpl times a year, 1 even said, can't remember last time they had a headache. ffs give me a break. Try spending just 1 week inside my head & they'll be toking on my bong like Cheech & Chong.

So i grow my meds, smoke my cones, i'm happy, i'm relaxed, i'm a nice person to get along with, my migraines are manageable & liveable, i live a productive life.

I rarely bother to try to convince people of the benifits of mj these days. You can tell in seconds weather their minds are going to be closed or not, & if it is closed i don't bother knocking.

Just grow as much as u need to stay healthy Konflikt, keep ya head down & above all keep ya mouth shut & u'll be fine. :guitar:

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I know your pain! i was put on anti inflams for joint pain that then trashed me stomach lining and acid ducts over the course of a year and now get chronic heart burn, to add injury to insult im now on heart burn pills produced by the same company that made the anti inflams >:( if i had stuck with weed i wouldn't have to spend $500pa on pills, thumbs up to the pharmaceutical company's the legal drug dealers that pedal pills with horrible side effects so they can make a buck.


Also an interesting point to make is that when a doc prescribes a pill so said ailment in most cases he is getting a kick back to prescribe you said drug its a fucked but its how it works

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First Post :)


I know exactly how you feel konflikt, my father who suffers from PTSD caused by service in the military is practically endorsed by his doctors to use mull as an alternative to the almost pure herion that they are prescribing him with these days. I'm talking about a guy who literally has been on every single medication ever created, zoloft, temaze, valium, even some experimental shit that he has access to due to his medical care. so on so forth, and still, mull is the one thing that keeps him (relatively) sane.


When the valium stops working they'll just put you on something worse :/


As for myself, I suffer from chronic stomach pain (I also get really bad nausea) as a result of a course of anti-biotics a couple of years back that only made my problem twice as bad. I literally cannot get out of bed some days because of the pain. It's one of the worst things that can happen to someone my age (i'm relatively young). The worst part about it is that I get the pain predictably... when I wake up, or whenever I need to do a shit (sorry for the detail :D)


There is however a wonderful green herb that helps me just as much as it helps my father.


Within minutes of having a cone, all pain is gone.


I can confirm that the pain isnt caused by using or withdrawals, as I actually got this problem way before resuming my habit. That said, if the type of mull has too much smoke (say for instance i'm smoking leaf instead of bud) it makes the problem worse. I believe it has something to do with stomach acidity. (I cant take proton pump inhibitors... is that the right name for the shit that stops stomach acid production?).


Anyway, now that i'm unable to score any weed thanks to the lovely raids, i'm back to being unable to live without pain.


This problem should be fixed in about 2 months but fuck me its going to be a painful wait :(


When is the man going to pull his finger out and make some progress on legalising something that actually works as opposed to shit that just makes things worse.

Edited by HighFlyer
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G'day all.


Long time reader, first time registered poster hahahah...


My background is similar to the OP, except a little less psych, and a lot more pain. I've been prescribed everything from Pandeine Forte to Oxy's, and everything in between. I recently started using cannabis after a friend with MS mentioned it to me. The results? Astounding. All the chemicals I was pushing down my throat are now in their tupperware container on top of the fridge, gathering dust with a handful of the wifes nicknacks.


Cannabis gives me everything I need to take away the pain, yet still live normally, without being surrounded in a constant fog, or the horrible come downs... (Oxy withdrawals are cold sweats, jumping out of sleep as you drift off, and involuntary ejaculations. Not as good as it sounds.)


So where to from here? Trying to find a reputable dealer in Adelaide might be easy, to some, but for a middle class 30 something white guy in a green leafy suburb, where the hell do I start hahaha.... It's a warm day today, might go for a drive tonight with my window down haha.


Anyway, once I do find a source, and it's quality is good, I don't think I'll ever relieve my pain with pharmaceutical chemicals again... In the mean time, I'm actively researching growing....


Big thanks to all that have provided informative posts over the years too. It's been a great source of knowledge for someone like me that knows two fifths of fark all about the mighty bud.


Cheers. ^_^

Edited by Delta 9
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I have been growing my meds for about 15yrs now. I have a similar story to most others. Been put on more medications than I can remember for more years than I want to remember and pain is a constant friend. I would love to go pharm free but I need to work and although pot numbs my agony I still find I need an opiate be that codiene or oxy or durogesic patch. I would very much enjoy no pain and no pharm but I'm yet to find that happy medium. Like others I'm either blocked solid with constipation or so spaced out I can't drive but pot assists in finding the medium, depending on the pain.


Delta 9 you ask where you might find quality. In your own backshed, :thumbsup: well thats where I find mine :thumbsup:

Stop invesigating and get going. It is the only way you'll find quality that you are sure of, your own.



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