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Watering problems

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heya Barry, If you got the money go spend about $130 on a container of Root Excelorator(250ml) and give em 0.3ml per Litre. Will last for ages, but do not use more than this amount. Give it to them everyday.

The R/E is good because it improves the root health, makes new roots and isolates dead and dying roots from your plant.


If you are short on cash use a product like Seasol at VERY low dosage. You have probably got root rot from over watering or some sort of Pathogen is attacking the roots. Personally I would go the R/e, this late in the game, you need results.....fast, before the roots can no longer give the required Nutrients to make your buds big and strong. post some Pictures so we can see what we are looking at.

you can use any product that is made to repair root systems, I just recommend one I use and know works well. Best of luck. Gh72

Edited by Grasshopper72
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Hi there Barry,

Yuck smelly roots, I hate that. Sounds a bit like pythium, a form of root rot. You can get a chemical called "pythoff". Last time I had such a problem I used Oxy plus but like GH said use only the recommended dosages and don't get the shit on your skin, it burns( I know cos I did it).

Just a question, have you used those pots before? If so, how did you clean them?



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Flush em out very well with a hydrogen peroxide (oxyplus) solution. I use a stronger dose than recommended on the bottle but that's a choice you have to make for yourself. I then would use cannazyme till harvest at the recommended dosage, but any decent root care product should do.


A bit more info and some pictures may help us to help you better.


Naycha :peace:

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