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Green Dragon

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Ok I couldent find any thing on the dorum about GD so Il assume there is nothing. this following is a guide for making GD (Green Dragon) aimed at noobs


Making drinkable marijuana or (Green Dragon):


Green Dragon is an alcohol/THC based drink. It is

very simple to make and has very pleasurable effects.


How does it Work?

Well, the active ingredient in marijuana is THC, which

is not a water-soluble compound. So, the THC has to

be extracted using alcohol and then added to food

and/or liquid that can then be entered directly to

your system through the digestive tract rather than

through the lungs. This type of consumption of

marijuana tends to be both slower and more efficient

than smoking it. Further the unpleasant effects of

smoking heated smoke are completely eliminated. For

these reasons this is the favored method of marijuana

consumption by many people.



The highest proof alcohol available should be used.

(Everclear is suggested)


Method One:

To do this you must obtain the highest proof alcohol

available. This allows for the best results. 190

proof is highly recommended.

Then one must then obtain marijuana.


Rule of Thumb: (About one half gram per ounce of


Remember, the more the merrier. After one has these

materials, they can begin.


First break up the marijuana and take out all seeds.

You may leave the stems. Then open the bottle of

alcohol and pour about a forth out. This will allow

room for the weed. Then carefully add all broken up

herbal matter into the bottle. Put the cap back on

and shake. Now, store it in a safe area and let it

sit for approximately 2 to 3 weeks. After the long

awaited wait, pour the green tinted substance into

another container through a strainer. You may use a

coffee filter.

The final product is high proof alcohol laced with

high amounts of pure THC.



One may drink the product straight, but this is not

recommended. A common way of consumption is to mix

three parts 7-Up with one part Green Dragon and a

dollop of honey stirred in. Served over ice.


A faster method is to heat the alcohol to a

sub-boiling temperature and stir in the crushed

marijuana. Great deal of care should be taken if this

method is chosen, as the alcohol is highly flammable.



Use an electric stove.


Put the alcohol in a pan, and put that pan into a pot

of boiling water (thereby heating the alcohol safely.)

Avoid using an open flame.


Heat the alcohol with herbal mixture in the microwave

at half power for approximately 11 to 16 minutes or

until liquid is an emerald shade of light green.

This is method of heating should be a last resort.


First, heat up alcohol using any method. Then stir in

the crushed herbal blend while alcohol is at

sub-boiling temperatures and let sit. Stirring every

couple of minutes. This should take no longer then 25

minutes. Turn off stove and let cool. Then take the

product and strain it. A coffee filter works just




Use rubber gloves when straining the liquid. If you

are using a coffee filter, make sure to squeeze any

extra liquid out of the marijuana mesh; this is where

most of the liquid THC is still hiding.



Consumption Notes:


If you wish you could pour the final product into a

bowl of cherries and let sit over night in the

refrigerator. Then strain and keep liquid. What this

does is lets the cherries become saturated in the Green Dragon. One may then eat the cherries to

become drunk and high. Doses range from 20 to 40

cherries. Now, the liquid is still good, use it to

make mixed drinks and/or other methods of consumption.

(Consider making Jell-o shots.) Enjoy

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A strong vodka I think....


I also think that leaving it for a longer period would have a negitave effect on the thc content boiling slowly with a lower proof alco should work just as well. The problem with brewing this is that you never know the str of the mix therefore you can OD very easy. Unlike smoking you do not know when to stop until its to late.

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Also storage would be best if done in a cool dark place... to prevent breakdown of desolved THC? Im guessing using the most air tight container possible would also help?


Also.. would using warm... (on the cooler side of warm) water to rinse first.. (in an attempt to remove things like clorophyl and such ) help at all?

Edited by Insanemal
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yup store in a cool dark place. maybe rinsing first would help, I'm not sure. but, you may be rinsing off trichomes as well. best just to use properly dried out plant material from what I've read. the best tinctures are made by letting them soak in alcohol for a couple of months, shaking the bottle occasionally.
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