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Growing cannabis part of Aboriginal culture: court

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I 'm sympathetic to the current and seemingly chronic political situation of indigenous peoples. BUT what a load of bullshit the 'cultural' argument is when weed didn't grow here before white man. so if court had gone hard for the guy I would not have been surprised because bullshit is bullshit whether it's brown or white!


There was no mcdonalds, t.v, AFL football or whatever other meaningless BS we consider apart of our culture, till long after "white man" invaded this land.


 So if we ("white man") can incorporate meaningless BS into our culture, why can't the koori people incorporate a ancient medical plant into there's? Incorporating a ancient plant into a culture personally seems a lot more appropriate than incorporating a practice that consists of watching coke head womanizers run around a field on a Saturday arvo, pretending to chase a ball, but really just carrying out there secret homosexual fantasies!


Anyway, what exact time in history would the aboriginals have to of first started using cannabis for it not to be BS to claim it as apart of there culture?


Can mexicans claim it to be part of there culture? They've only been using it since the Spanish invaded. What about holland? They've only been smoking it for a few hundred years. Or Jamaica! It's apparently only been popularized over there since the sixties, yet they have a whole fuckin religion based around it.


Personally I think your (at the very least) subconsciously a racist. You here the word aboriginal and you just want to start shooting off at the mouth with narrow minded simpleton comments like that.



Edited by jabez
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Dam Pandora and her box :whistle:


There was no mcdonalds, t.v, AFL football or whatever other meaningless BS we consider apart of our culture, till long after "white man" invaded this land.


So if we ("white man") can incorporate meaningless BS into our culture, why can't the koori people incorporate a ancient medical plant into there's? Incorporating a ancient plant into a culture personally seems a lot more appropriate than incorporating a practice that consists of watching coke head womanizers run around a field on a Saturday arvo, pretending to chase a ball, but really just carrying out there secret homosexual fantasies!


Anyway, what exact time in history would the aboriginals have to of first started using cannabis for it not to be BS to claim it as apart of there culture?


Can mexicans claim it to be part of there culture? They've only been using it since the Spanish invaded. What about holland? They've only been smoking it for a few hundred years. Or Jamaica! It's apparently only been popularized over there since the sixties, yet they have a whole fuckin religion based around it.




The point is jabez, in reality culture has nothing to do with race unless you are racist. You say maccas and football etc are part of 'whitefella' culture. I'm white and they are not part of my culture. My culture is a personal thing that has nothing to do with race. Many influences from many people all over the world of many different races have influenced my culture. That is true for almost every single person on the planet. Yourself included.


If something is based on race that's racism plain and simple.


Peace MongyMan

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Personally I think your (at the very least) subconsciously a racist. You here the word aboriginal and you just want to start shooting off at the mouth with narrow minded simpleton comments like that.





Personally I think your (at the very least) subconsciously a politically correct "bleeding heart"(racism at its strongest). You hear the word aboriginal and you just want to start shooting off at the mouth with narrow minded simpleton comments like that.



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i just had to delete a huge rant because i know this is thread is gonna go down the gurglar .....


im just gonna say, plain and simple - cannabis was here before any fuckn race and we should ALL be entitled to it :freak:

race argument, religious argument, cultural argument, whatever.....its a fuckn plant and we should be fighting the cunce who prohibit it.....not each other!


really, ... who gives a flying fuck about who claimed it first? :ack: we all want the same thing! :/





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Dam Pandora and her box :whistle:


There was no mcdonalds, t.v, AFL football or whatever other meaningless BS we consider apart of our culture, till long after "white man" invaded this land.


So if we ("white man") can incorporate meaningless BS into our culture, why can't the koori people incorporate a ancient medical plant into there's? Incorporating a ancient plant into a culture personally seems a lot more appropriate than incorporating a practice that consists of watching coke head womanizers run around a field on a Saturday arvo, pretending to chase a ball, but really just carrying out there secret homosexual fantasies!


Anyway, what exact time in history would the aboriginals have to of first started using cannabis for it not to be BS to claim it as apart of there culture?


Can mexicans claim it to be part of there culture? They've only been using it since the Spanish invaded. What about holland? They've only been smoking it for a few hundred years. Or Jamaica! It's apparently only been popularized over there since the sixties, yet they have a whole fuckin religion based around it.




The point is jabez, in reality culture has nothing to do with race unless you are racist. You say maccas and football etc are part of 'whitefella' culture. I'm white and they are not part of my culture. My culture is a personal thing that has nothing to do with race. Many influences from many people all over the world of many different races have influenced my culture. That is true for almost every single person on the planet. Yourself included.


If something is based on race that's racism plain and simple.


Peace MongyMan


I think you might be a little confused Mongy Man. Because the fact is, whether you like it or not culture has everything to do with race. What I think you meant to say is that culture 'shouldn't' have anything to do with race. 


Coca cola and mcdonalds has always been related western culture, whether you eat the shit or not.


Once again, in western countries alcohol is the traditional recreational drug usually used as a part of our culture. In central Asia and the middle east hashish and opium are usually the main drugs used as a part of there culture. The fact that a lot of middle eastern people prefer alcohol or that a lot of westerners prefer weed or opiates is irrelevant, there's still a culture there bound by race. It may be wrong or right, either way it's just how it is.


Saying culture has everything to do with race is not racist, it's just a simple observation. 



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I think you might be a little confused Mongy Man. Because the fact is, whether you like it or not culture has everything to do with race. What I think you meant to say is that culture 'shouldn't' have anything to do with race.

No. I said exactly what I meant to say or I wouldn't have said it. In reality culture has nothing to do with race unless you are racist.


Coca cola and mcdonalds has always been related western culture, whether you eat the shit or not.


Western isn't a race jabez it's a region :whistle:


Once again, in western countries alcohol is the traditional recreational drug usually used as a part of our culture. In central Asia and the middle east hashish and opium are usually the main drugs used as a part of there culture. The fact that a lot of middle eastern people prefer alcohol or that a lot of westerners prefer weed or opiates is irrelevant, there's still a culture there bound by race. It may be wrong or right, either way it's just how it is.


Again, western isn't a race. Nor is central Asia or the middle east. Race has nothing to do with it unless you are racist. Take for eg. an Irishman who is living in Thailand. He lives like the local Thai people do. He has adopted their religions and customs. He has a Thai wife and children to her. What is his culture?


Saying culture has everything to do with race is not racist, it's just a simple observation.




Seriously jabez what a load of dribble. If you base something on race it is racist. Culture is a personal thing exclusive to an individual. Just because people of certain races are the majority in some places doesn't make the cultrue there exclusive to that race.


My people are all people. My culture is a personal thing to me formed from all the different people and experiences I've had in my lifetime. It has nothing to do with race.


Who are your people jabez? What is your culture? Do you decide it based on race?


Peace MongyMan

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If westerner means a region, then how come both Americans and Australians are classed as westerners when there in different hemispheres on the opposite side of the planet? Although we are officially European, rather than westerners.  Also both Asian and middle easterners are a officially recognized race of people. So I fail to see how it's me talking dribble!


Once again mongy man, just cause you think something should be a certain way, doesn't make it so and to think it does is delusional.


People also have just as much of a right to relate there culture to there race, as you do to not. But for you to call people racist for choosing to think that way is just plain bigoted.




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'Race' is a meaningless term. Jabez, to me, lots of what you say sounds hostile. I 'm wondering if this hostility is cultural? what I mean is, was hostility toward particular others taught in your home?


and I wonder how many indigenous families you know? and how many of those families drink alcohol and/or take drugs? how many white families do you know? and how many of those families drink alcohol and/or take drugs?


what in your understanding is the difference in drinking/drug taking between these cultural groups?


Jabez, looks to me you see with a dark view.

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weed didn't grow here before white man.


I'm not so sure about that demistify. I personally believe it did. That is still irellivant to the whole 'cultural' argument based on race though. Racism is racism no matter what colour you paint it imo.


Peace MongyMan

I personally believe it did


Mongy man, on what basis do you believe weed was not brought here by white man? or do you think it was brought here via Indo - PNG natives? that may be a possability.

Edited by olddave
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