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Clay Balls And Ph

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just got a new system up and running as the one i have going is running well and i am feeling a bit better about the whole indoor thing.I have used clay balls and did not realize that they would be so persistant in pushing my ph up.Is this just a case of persisting with ph adjusting until it finally stabilizes.Should have done this before putting plants in but didnt know until too late.
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Hi tooostoned ,


too......have used clay balls and did not realize that they would be so persistant in pushing my ph up.Is this just a case of persisting with ph adjusting until it finally stabilizes


How are you using the 'clay balls' ( hydroteon)?


Oly think I will say without asuming anything is 'Did you wash (rinse) well before use?'


I am sure once yuo provide this info you will get the help your after.



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Hi there tooostoned


I use clayballs and perlite and I have to agree with Nitram they both need to be washed prior. With the balls I use a bucket of water and 1/2 fill the bucket with balls pushing the balls, which float, into the water. I like to leave this overnight and the sediment sinks to the bottom. I then scoop the floating balls out, being careful not to stir the sediment up, placing them into a shade cloth lined pot. I've found not washing does alter my pH and I needed to adjust it am and again pm. I also found the grit is not good for pumps.

If this is the problem you could still flood your pots by blocking your line out and allowing water to surround the balls but this would not allow the balls to fully wash but depending on how far along you are, it may assist, if the spaces around the balls are full of root growth it probably won't help at all.


Just some advice


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I run clayballs in a flood and drain setup, and had trouble getting the PH down too. The clayballs come pre PH balanced at 7.0


I flooded them about 8 times with PH adjusted water at around 5.8, then empty the reservoir to get rid of the sediment. Repeated half a dozen times until the water stayed clean. But the PH of the water kept creeping back up to 7 after it was exposed to the clay balls.


I PH adjusted even lower to aprox 4.2 and flooded that 8 times a day, and the PH would creep up to around 6 after the floodings. I wouldnt do this if you have plants in already tho, but it will make bring the ph of the clay come down.


In hind sight, cleaning them in the flood/drain tray was a bad idea, merlins method sounds a lot better. I still have clay sediment around the edge of my tray.

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