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I hear you Cybergenesis:)


I also don't like to go to pubs and don't drink. Sadly friends over the years have slowly put me in a box that they associate with an old fogie that can't enjoy a good time. I was nearly starting to believe them mate, until I finally saved my bills and headed to Amsterdam. I ended up going with a few of my mates who had put me in the soft cock category. Well fuck me...what an eye opener. I rediscovered that I love going out and being social. I was out every night at my favourite coffeeshop, chatting with strangers and friends alike. I was also the last to want to leave. Best thing was that I woke up without any side effects or hangover...ready to go again. Loved it mate. Spoke to some very cool people from all walks of life and felt totally at peace not having to worry about cops or any negative feelings from strangers.


Don't let the wankers get you down mate or put you in a box. I had a mate's girlfriend who didn't smoke there and she reckoned that there were heaps more conversations when stoned to seeing them pissed. Also said the conversation was far more interesting and positive.


Hope it helps mate. Take care and remember that it's easier for them to bring everyone down to the lowest common level through fear, negativity and ignorance, instead of raising themselves up to a happy, positive state.




As I put out my cigarillo stuffed with the finest hippy Austin Weed (Bright Green Shwag) I realize there are others like us. Going to Bars (Pubs) and clubs is often a waste of time and money. Who can have a conversation when the music is blaring and everyone else in the room is competing for air time. What kind of conversations do you usually end up having in a state of collective drunkeness. Its the same way in Texas. Since its illegal we cant socialize in public. We have to hide out and smoke in private residences. The conversations are far more stimulating and its far more enjoyable than the alternative. The morning after is also a lot easier to enjoy if you stay green.

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My question is who do we need to VOTE for to legalize marijuana!!! in W.A/all states

my guess would be labor or the greens??


IGR thanks :peace: :bongon:




Liberal Democratic Party = socially and economically liberal (has libertarian policies on all issues - everyone has rights, you can do whatever you like as long as it doesnt interfere with an other individuals rights)

Australian Sex Party = socially liberal economically authoritarian (get voters with open sex/social policies)

Greens = socially liberal economically authoritarian (get voters with green/social policies)


Three parties that openly want relaxed laws on drugs. However Greens havent done anything with it in years of having members in parliament.

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Greens = socially liberal economically authoritarian (get voters with green/social policies)


Fuck The Greens... they are pushing this Carbon Tax bullshit and they certainly don't want, at the very least, to decriminalise cannabis.


The Greens aren't about what they once were: civil liberties and sustainable living. They are now about Corporatism (because monopoly corporations are who the carbon tax benefits).


Unfortunately there are no main stream parties which have any chance of making it that want to do anything for the cannabis community. Although decriminalisation is better than cannabis being flat-out illegal it's still a stupid and pointless policy that has no real benefit for the users because once you've been 'fined' a couple of times you face criminal charges next. So it just delays the inevitable while they take more of your hard earned cash in the meantime.


Legalisation is the only way to go to be free.

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Just a quick note for anyone who thinks voting green will see a relaxing of current laws.


Before the last federal election the Greens policy was: (bare with me I'm doing this from memory)


Decriminalise cannabis

Introduce Medical Cannabis


Now however they've changed and there official policy is:


"The Australian Greens do not support the legalisation of currently illegal drugs." Link Here


It's so sad that very soon we'll have 3 major political parties that don't really have any differing policies. But continue to argue over trivial bullshit instead of actually making decisions that will move our nation forward.

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