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i think the topic of legalization is so difficult its mind boggling atm, there are too many old generation that just dont want a bar of it (mainly because of the propaganda they have grown up hearing) and the few ppl in power that do want to see the war on drugs money better spent have 20 times the the support to keep it illegal, Even if it was put to the vote there are so many ppl making an income from growing and selling its not funny and wouldnt support it not to mention the pharmaceutical industry supporters and share holders and the like and alcohol industry they it would get bumped jut like Cali found out. Its a grate idea to make it legal and redirect tax money into fighting real crime but in the real world its more complicated than that, if u ask me study up before and election and you will soon find the only group fighting for drug law reform is the Australian Sex party, if you are gone place a vote put it to them dont donkey vote get educated and choose to elect a party that has policy's that suit you. As for the greans unless you want to see the states burn to the ground in the next black Saturday by all means give them your vote, that have done 2 parts of fuck all for drug reform in years, yea they have "some" good policys but they are just bent on geting votes and have lost the bigger picture in the process, just my 2c worth
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i think the topic of legalization is so difficult its mind boggling atm, there are too many old generation that just dont want a bar of it (mainly because of the propaganda they have grown up hearing) and the few ppl in power that do want to see the war on drugs money better spent have 20 times the the support to keep it illegal, Even if it was put to the vote there are so many ppl making an income from growing and selling its not funny and wouldnt support it not to mention the pharmaceutical industry supporters and share holders and the like and alcohol industry they it would get bumped jut like Cali found out. Its a grate idea to make it legal and redirect tax money into fighting real crime but in the real world its more complicated than that, if u ask me study up before and election and you will soon find the only group fighting for drug law reform is the Australian Sex party, if you are gone place a vote put it to them dont donkey vote get educated and choose to elect a party that has policy's that suit you. As for the greans unless you want to see the states burn to the ground in the next black Saturday by all means give them your vote, that have done 2 parts of fuck all for drug reform in years, yea they have "some" good policys but they are just bent on geting votes and have lost the bigger picture in the process, just my 2c worth



No shit . . . really? i woulda there would've been more but hey at least its a sexy party jks well there you go


Thanks a lot eh im not votin for greans the next time hahaha :peace:

Edited by Indoor grow room
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What I hate is that I can't express my identity and lifestyle to people for fear of persecution by the goverment, and in my case potential serious discrimination from child protection.


I use marijuana for mental reasons, it seriously helps me deal with things, and I am a constructive, empathetic, well arounded person these days. I have been using it for 15 years in total, fuck the government harrassing and supressing me.


Hell though, its a great financial opportunity to grow or trade the stuff on the black market, see yourself as some sort of bud smokings Robin Hood.


I can't have, say, a marijuana leaf tattoo, because I have to worry my neighbours might have a freak out due to the mentality generated against marijuana as a side effect of prohibition.


My neighbours may go:


"Oh dear, I thought I saw a drug tatoo on that guys arm, he must be a crazy, criminal, drug addict."


"I am very scared..."


"Lets call the police and dob him in, I thought I smelled drug smoke coming from his backyard."


Statistically neighbours are the most likely people in the community to dob somebody in for drugs.


I don't have that many resources at this point in my life, but I'd love to be able to go to the beach, and smoke a joint, I mean not right next to somebody, 30 metres away from people, but shit too risky.. Once they got you on record, its something the government can use against you for life...


I hate nightclubs, because they are drunken temples for the people that worship alcohol which I hate as it nearly destoyed me. I can't go to a friend club full of stoners, it fucking sucks, that would be fucking awesome, like thats something I am missing on a friday / saturday night in my life.


In the end, I either hope to permanently leave this country or move out WAY REMOTE into the outback, hundreds of kilometres away from everything on the very fringes of the power grid. Get a huge property, 300+ acres min, lots of trees, complete seclusion, set up several air conditioned cabins / mini houses spread out over a kilometre or so at various landmarks.. Want to move a few friends in, spend my life there smoking pot till I die, completely away from the "could knock on your door at any moment" police.. They literally drive 3-4 times past my front window every day.. Once or twice a week I walk past officers when I am going to the shop, I hate them... I get harrased by child protection too.. FUck the city... Yeah I want to get away from it, smoke cones until I die, maybe some opium as well.


I often buy my weed in a couple of ounces at once, cause I smoke a lot.. But I may have a few weeks worth, I hate the idea that for any reason whatsoever the police could come to my door, now if they happen to think they smell marijuana smoke they can come right bloody in and search my house, there are also other dubious reasons they could possibly insist on entering. Indeed I have been harrassed numerous times by the police at the bidding of child protection. If they take my weed, I don't have what I consider my medicine for possibly weeks.


You don't have any rights in this country, you can't consume a really quite benign herb (despite the misinformation and distortions of scientific evidence), you can have the police search your house on surprisingly flimsy and "could happen to anybody" grounds. and its so fucking easy to become sort of trapped in the machinery of modern life and the system. I have seen stoners turn against weed purely because eventually society brainwashed them, continual long term peer pressure. My brother loves weed, but his wife constantly pressuring him to stop, and he pretty much has, he thinks its bullshit, but he's basically just given up.


Imagine if mind expanding drugs were legal, and business funded massive research into safe mind expanding chemicals simular to marijuana. My god the paradise chemicals would come down from heaven... It will be research into these types of chemicals which will truly cure mental illness.

Edited by cybergenesis
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No shit . . . really? i woulda there would've been more but hey at least its a sexy party jks well there you go


Thanks a lot eh im not votin for greans the next time hahaha :peace:




before ya drop ya vote

be sure to check the sex partys policies etc

and i wonder whom they would give preference to

would the preference cancel the word of those whoiom votes ASP?

all the best


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What I hate is that I can't express my identity and lifestyle to people for fear of persecution by the goverment, and in my case potential serious discrimination from child protection.


I use marijuana for mental reasons, it seriously helps me deal with things, and I am a constructive, empathetic, well arounded person these days. I have been using it for 15 years in total, fuck the government harrassing and supressing me.


Hell though, its a great financial opportunity to grow or trade the stuff on the black market, see yourself as some sort of bud smokings Robin Hood.


I can't have, say, a marijuana leaf tattoo, because I have to worry my neighbours might have a freak out due to the mentality generated against marijuana as a side effect of prohibition.


My neighbours may go:


"Oh dear, I thought I saw a drug tatoo on that guys arm, he must be a crazy, criminal, drug addict."


"I am very scared..."


"Lets call the police and dob him in, I thought I smelled drug smoke coming from his backyard."


Statistically neighbours are the most likely people in the community to dob somebody in for drugs.


I don't have that many resources at this point in my life, but I'd love to be able to go to the beach, and smoke a joint, I mean not right next to somebody, 30 metres away from people, but shit too risky.. Once they got you on record, its something the government can use against you for life...


I hate nightclubs, because they are drunken temples for the people that worship alcohol which I hate as it nearly destoyed me. I can't go to a friend club full of stoners, it fucking sucks, that would be fucking awesome, like thats something I am missing on a friday / saturday night in my life.


In the end, I either hope to permanently leave this country or move out WAY REMOTE into the outback, hundreds of kilometres away from everything on the very fringes of the power grid. Get a huge property, 300+ acres min, lots of trees, complete seclusion, set up several air conditioned cabins / mini houses spread out over a kilometre or so at various landmarks.. Want to move a few friends in, spend my life there smoking pot till I die, completely away from the "could knock on your door at any moment" police.. They literally drive 3-4 times past my front window every day.. Once or twice a week I walk past officers when I am going to the shop, I hate them... I get harrased by child protection too.. FUck the city... Yeah I want to get away from it, smoke cones until I die, maybe some opium as well.


I often buy my weed in a couple of ounces at once, cause I smoke a lot.. But I may have a few weeks worth, I hate the idea that for any reason whatsoever the police could come to my door, now if they happen to think they smell marijuana smoke they can come right bloody in and search my house, there are also other dubious reasons they could possibly insist on entering. Indeed I have been harrassed numerous times by the police at the bidding of child protection. If they take my weed, I don't have what I consider my medicine for possibly weeks.


You don't have any rights in this country, you can't consume a really quite benign herb (despite the misinformation and distortions of scientific evidence), you can have the police search your house on surprisingly flimsy and "could happen to anybody" grounds. and its so fucking easy to become sort of trapped in the machinery of modern life and the system. I have seen stoners turn against weed purely because eventually society brainwashed them, continual long term peer pressure. My brother loves weed, but his wife constantly pressuring him to stop, and he pretty much has, he thinks its bullshit, but he's basically just given up.


Imagine if mind expanding drugs were legal, and business funded massive research into safe mind expanding chemicals simular to marijuana. My god the paradise chemicals would come down from heaven... It will be research into these types of chemicals which will truly cure mental illness.










OMFG that is some heavy SHIT!! i feel like you just poured out your soul to me man. . .

As for child support FUCK no one has the right to take your children away!!! ya hear me NO ONE!

Police man shiiit every fucking night! i just wanna. . . i just wanna arrgg i get so damn paranoid

Welll i guess same story here bro

And if you just cant help it its only $150 fine + criminal conviction.... yeah

Me i grow weed so it isn't a problem


Thanks IGR :peace:

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would the preference cancel the word of those whoiom votes ASP?



Hi Bill


No putting us first sends a very clear message to whoever ends up getting your vote. Also even if the party does not win that seat the more votes we get the better which helps us to further get out there and promote the issues and show how stupid it is to ban a plant. Hit me up if anyone wants to help out or has any questions about our other policies

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I hear you Cybergenesis:)


I also don't like to go to pubs and don't drink. Sadly friends over the years have slowly put me in a box that they associate with an old fogie that can't enjoy a good time. I was nearly starting to believe them mate, until I finally saved my bills and headed to Amsterdam. I ended up going with a few of my mates who had put me in the soft cock category. Well fuck me...what an eye opener. I rediscovered that I love going out and being social. I was out every night at my favourite coffeeshop, chatting with strangers and friends alike. I was also the last to want to leave. Best thing was that I woke up without any side effects or hangover...ready to go again. Loved it mate. Spoke to some very cool people from all walks of life and felt totally at peace not having to worry about cops or any negative feelings from strangers.


Don't let the wankers get you down mate or put you in a box. I had a mate's girlfriend who didn't smoke there and she reckoned that there were heaps more conversations when stoned to seeing them pissed. Also said the conversation was far more interesting and positive.


Hope it helps mate. Take care and remember that it's easier for them to bring everyone down to the lowest common level through fear, negativity and ignorance, instead of raising themselves up to a happy, positive state.



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