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Alcohol More Dangerous Than Heroin, Cocaine: Study


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High all. I know I am knew so my opinion doesn't really count for much, I must also warn that I often tend to ramble, occasionally I have a point, but often it doesn't amount to much so that is the risk you take if you choose to read on... I just can't buy into these types of studies and reports, its just more propaganda. I know it helps the cannabis cause which can only be a good thing in the long run, but to say that it is more dangerous then crack, smack or meth is comical!


The parameters of the study are questionable, they only mention cannabis once and that is one of the first lines. I notice all of the responses have mentioned that weed is more harmless than alcohol and I agree. Then why did they not put in the scores for cannabis, they didn't mention the cannabis "scores" at all... Seems strange doesn't it, probably because it scored lower then everything, and some power that be, said "oh we can't let that out"


Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine were found to pose the most danger to an individual, with scores of 34, 37 and 32 respectively.


I noticed here that they failed to mention what score alcohol got as a danger to an individual, coincidence? I think not!


But when the wider social effects were factored in, alcohol, with an overall score of 72, was judged to be most harmful, followed by heroin at 55, and crack cocaine with a score of 54.


Well of course, when a drug is legal, it will be consumed by a lot more people in a lot more public situations and will then obviously have wider social effects. The social effects will also be more well known to the public because of this.


"Alcohol is built into our society - it's embarrassingly built into our society. It's part of our social fabric. We don't seem to be able to have a social gathering without having the alcohol come out," he said.


Yeah it would be a lot better if we all got together, ripped out the hypo's, blasted some rock and nodded/tweaked the night away...


"At the Melbourne Cup, you see all sorts of embarrassing things ... people start drinking at lunchtime and by the evening they're intoxicated and making bad decisions."


Again I digress to how the day would turn out if rock was available at the bar.


Don't get me wrong, I agree that alcohol can be very insidious. OK so I guess I should try and make a point. I have 2 young kids, a girl almost 5 and a boy 2, and they have so much of me in them it is scary sometimes, so I know that when they get older they won't be the "straight laced YES" people that I loathe so much. That's why I hope that by the time they hit their teens/young adulthood that cannabis is a legal drug so that they can safely enjoy it without all of the characters and other drugs that one comes across in the "illegal" world...

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