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THC is the chemical that gives you the benefits, and the same one that makes you feel stoned so there isn't really a way around it.

Maybe you could use sativa as that is more of a happy high than a motionless stoned feeling.


Hmmm i've heard of others doing it, I refuse to give up and accept that as the answer.

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Hi I am looking for a method to have the benefits of cannabis without the stoned feeling, anyone know a way of doing this?

Isn't the primary benefit of cannabis the stoned feeling? :thumbsup:

I have plenty of perfectly good reasons to justify why i smoke but in the end the real reason is so i can get so hammered i make a mushroom look intelligent. :yahoo:


U gotta know you're going to take some hits for asking a question like that in a forum like this. :harhar:

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Yes it is possible to use cannabis extracts or tinctures without getting stoned, i do this most days.


I experience pain ( burning, stabbing nerve type pain) on a daily basis. This can cause me some anxiety and



I use MCT oil as a carrier, to which i add simple screen hash, ISO oil or butane oil.


The key is dose, just like any other substance you may put into your body.

I take very small doses on a regular basis. This relaxes my body and mind without leaving me feeling stoned.

It does not completely take away my pain, but it does enough to help me feel like being more active.

It may take some time to get used to the regular doses so that it is giving you the desired effects.


You can also add extracts to virgin coconut oil, then massage this into sore areas. My partnet milks 1000 cows

a day, she does not care for cannabis, but when she gets sore she requests the coconut oil, sends her right off to

sleep as well.


Also, strains and harvest times need to be taken into account and how that reacts to the individual.

The only way to find what works for you is to grow a few different strains then experiment with harvest

times and how you then consume the plant.


I also vape and smoke from time to time. Its pretty hard to not get blazed even from small amounts as

i find it hits me much more in the head, but yeah if im in serious pain i vape or smoke.



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correct me if im wrong but tincture wont give u any relief from anxiety/stress/pain. or effect the central nervous system... a vital place thc has to reach before it can be of any benefit in such ailments..


Yes you are wrong.....It does not matter how you take it, it effects the CNS. Most drugs have some effect on the CNS (yes this includes your brain)

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