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outdoor in s.a?

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not sure I can help much as I only grow a few plants each year. I have two (small) plants that are weathering the winter currently - I expect these to take off as things warm up. Normally I'll start a few in September and they'll happily make it throo' til April/May.. Have been using SPC Thai and some Johnny Reeferseed Tropicals with good success. Attaching piccy of last seasons grow. No idea about yield weight but it's all lovely ..


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yeah im pretty much in the same boat as WhiteSkunk. well heres the story. i just recieved a whole lot of seeds from a friend, right?

well, as the seeds are a bit old, maybe up to a year, is it worth me planting it now? or should i chance it and wait until whenever the best sowing time is? because by then they may be dead.

and by the way, when is the best sowing time in aus? i live down on the coast near victor harbour area.

thanx guys

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Guest BudWaver

conmsidering the crap weather sa has been having and the premature flowering a lot of plants have gone into I would say now is not a good time to plant your seeds unless you grew them inside then took them outside nearer winter...but not during winter as the cold might fuck em


as soon as the days get longer is a good time to plant em outside..but you could save time by sexing them inside before the growing season starts...


gets pretty cold in victor during winter

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cheers buwaver. the only thng thatsmaking me wonder about planting them now is that their fair old. at least a year and a half. at least. probably more. just wonderin how long they could last if the were just stored in a jar? coz by next september or whatever they might not be any good

cheers guys



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hey all,flame boy

the seeds u have i would germinate em then place unda a fluro @24hrs for like 2-3 weeks then turn light down to 6 hrs on 18hrs off, for 2-3 days {this is sexing }rip the males keep the girls ,then

if you have a 400w run it @24hrs on the girls for 2-3 weeks then put outside and let them flower with nature....but this year planting time for s.a is fathers day....so remember to have your seeds sexed and ready for fathewr's day and happy growing..cheers :rolleyes: WS

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u guys make things so much harder than they need to be. I plant outdoors all year long constantlly planting every three months for constant supply i have the property to do so. making me one of the lucky one. Maybe not all year i mean Winter is pretty wet cold and yukky which can lead to problems so i leave winter alone.

Use common sense guys figure out what your plants need ie water, light, nice weather and temperature so just cater for this if u know that the weather will be shit for a few months dont plant. Once your babies are growing nice and matured to a plant they can withstand most weather.

Try to plant seedlings on a full moon it conincides with the moons gravatational pull. probbally a load of shit but i read it somewhere and it makes sense.

Outdoor grows= Easy

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