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You might wanna grow 4ft tall plants and take advantage of the height, but your light will disagree. SOG was designed for small systems. In an indoor grow you'll find the buds at the bottom of the plant aren't that good.

A 250w light really cant penetrate through crap, you really should try and keep everything as low as possible and use SCROG or SOG methods. Growing 4ft plants will be a waste of veg time.

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A 250w light really cant penetrate through crap


Yeah I know this. It would hit the canpoy and most of the light would stop there, leaving crappy weeny buds underneath and a total waste of space. A single low canopy of sogged plants would be perfect.




There are 8 lights, not one. All are positioned around the plant(s) so penetration past the canpoy isn't really an issue with this. See the diagram if you haven't already.


Does this make any difference?

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Hey all B)


Thanks for all the advice so far, ta for putting up with the questions, we've come to a final decision now.


We'll start off with 3 (more plants as WC suggested), so that have a better chance of getting a female ... clones will be taken from all plants before flower and whichever plant is the best female, its clone will be kept as a bonsai type mother (thanks Pipeman). This will also be the one plant allowed to grow out to full flower.


We've decided to remove the twin fluros from the top of the plant, and we plan to put in 3x150 watt MH lights in there B) I came across them today at a garage sale for cheap and just could't believe my luck.


Sure MH isn't the best for flower, but they have gotta beat fluro. With all the wattage going on in there it may be a bit too much heat, but we'll adjust that if it becomes a problem by removing some ... still, 450 watts of MH and 216 watts of fluro, the one female we end up growing out will be dense ;)


Too many watts for one plant? Possibly, given the grow space is 16 cubic feet ... but hey, this is a first grow, and we ain't gonna do it half assed.


Anyways, that's it for now. We have most of the gear ... just testing out the MH's now, this is my first go at using HID's at home and it's incredibly bright... the box will be built in two or so weeks and ready to start vegging, hopefully we'll have a digital camera by then!


Thanks for the help, people.

Edited by Bubba
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