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Ph Meters Which One

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I recently purchased an expensive quality (supposedly) PH stick. PH2 ecotester by EUTECH (OAKTON). I have the problem of it climbing in ph rapidly from 7 to 10 in minutes. I tryed to recalibrate it and it was so high it callibrated ph 7 buffer (new lab grade) as ph 10. Is this a regular problem and if so how do people get a regular and accurate reading ie 5.8 as opposed to 5.5 etc?? any help would be great thanks guys..
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Do you mean you calibrate it, and then it reads 10 in the test solution after a few minutes?


If this is so and you are doing everything right I'd return it. If you are calibarating it properly it should read 7 after calibration, on mine it flashes while calibrating then you have to press CON (confirm).


I have a Eutech meter (I think its a pH tester 1) and have had no problems with it. When the batteries are low the reading is all over the place though, maybe replace them and see if that makes a difference?


Hope that helped.


Naycha :peace:

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I'd agree that if you calibrate correctly + using (new) calibration fluid, the reading from the meter shouldn't change after a few minutes or even days, especially since your meter should have ATC.


just curious as to were you purchased your meter from?

I'm considering some options for upgrading to a quality pH meter, the EUTECH and the HANNA brand name came up a few times, but both are hard to find in stock at stores around here...


hope you get your meter sorted!

Edited by nufnsus
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Yea RR took my meter back to the store and they gave me another which was shite aswell so took it back and they gave me the first one back which they had a mate fix up by resetting the factory settings. Bad batch I do think so avoid EUTECH for a while people. If anyone is in the market for a PH meter go to a scientific supply company where they deal with such equipment all the time. A good company to look up is TPS IONIDE they have distributors all over the country and you will find something good in there range ($500 + though) if thats too much the stores which supply there stuff will still have other products which are cheaper ($100 or so) and will work well as they would sell them to unis and the such..


I got my meter from the local hydro shop (140kms from my place but still local) next time I will go to a place that knows what they are selling is the gear not just one of the many bits of kit they sell ie I will go to a scientific supplier (probly just knock one off from work lol.

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the buffer or "calibration fluid" is usualy set to 4 7 and 10 these are international standards. The meter was a bad batch issue I would assume. the owner or the store was intending to contact the people at EUTECH to let them know of the problem as he was not impressed with the situation. I will not buy another PH pen and will save up for a proper PH meter as I have used in labs for years (should have done this from the get go) will cost a bit more 500+ but its worth it to get an accurate reading. Just glad to have double checked my PH using ph sticks and litmus paper.
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