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Smoking In Your Own House In Brisbane

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tho the 5-0 might not come knocking, be aware once its up...it wont come down...

and...employers use a search program with your email adress n shit, and it will bring up your youtube vids if their linked to that account....


employers go high tech while your airing out your dirty washing on youtube....



future career prospect...falling by the 10,000 views lol


uka :thisbig:


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I do not recommend this unless there is a good purpose to your video, in which case, you should try to upload annonymously.


There are things called IP addresses (internet address of your computer/device) and if the cops wanted, they could request (or demand) your information from the google corporation (owners/operators of youtube) who may be obligated or inclined to comply, the cops then just need to ask your ISP who the address belonged to at the time the video was uploaded, with a warrant your ISP is obligated to provide that information, now they know where you live. This is not an exaggeration or paranioa, this is just how the process works (I used to work for an ISP in australia).


I doubt anyone would go to that length for a video that showed someone smoking, but just be aware that anything you post online can be traced back to you with simillar methods. As OZ stoners is hosted privately in the USA I believe our details are safe thanks to the hard work of the admins.






Edited by Ex.
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