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Smoking In Your Own House In Brisbane

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I don't know where you got that information, but I have a charge sheet here that says different. Consuming cannabis is still a crime.

looks like you're right. I looked on wikipedia ages back and it said it was legal to consume but not possess Australia wide, but that has since changed :thumbdown:


Oh and pigs do go on youtube looking for crimes. Heaps of people acting like idiots and doing burn outs, speeding, etc. get nabbed all the time due to the videos they upload :rolleyes:

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Was gonna mention that Headstone...I know of hoons getting done for the odd rampant act of public stupidity...Ah number plates...jeez, whod`a thought ya could track them...? :rolleyes:


Makin a vid of yerselves smoking pot for youtube purposes seems a little irresponsible to me...besides, how can ya be sure ppl are gonna see your art...?

If I was as creative as you, I`d just do a tour of the state...say do venues like schools, scout halls, maybe the odd wedding... :applause:


Now I don`t wanna call ya stupid...keep yer video camera for it`s intended purpose, you know... kids parties, holidays, amateur porn, etc...


And Headstone, Wiki...oh shit...reliable as me uncle Peter...



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the consumption of cannabis has been decriminalised australia wide so you can't get in trouble for recording yourself smoking it :bongon:


Yeh , I was gonna say also that this is not correct ... One of the first times I had the police harrass me I got done for Apparatus (1 waterpipe) , Possessiom (head spinning around , green bile) (1 cone with spin (they called 1 gram) ... and also Consumption (actually being stoned! :blink: $150 fine x 3 (10+years ago) geez! , what a croc. Not sure if it was termed consumption but I have the old penalty notices filed away somewhere ;) . As far as I know they can still charge you for intoxication or similar but I rarely hear about that happening ... It wouldn't happen in most cases and they tend to just go for the possesion charge. You'd have to be doing something pretty stupid to get done for being stoned these days I reckon (and for the record I wasn't even stoned when I got done , therefore the cone I was saving for the evening :rolleyes:)


AH well , at least I don't have to worry about that sorta stuff much anymore , I'm quite the hermit ... nice and quiet , just the way I like it :disguise:


Anyhoo , To the Original Question from the OP : If ya got a clean record and don't want to tarnish it I'd advise refraining from such practises ... I can see why people would do such things as a form of rebellion ... I wouldn't care about cops or getting busted at all ... as others have suggested It's unlikely they would pursue a conviction for that sort of thing anyway ... just not something I would probably do unless it was actually something worthwhile to be on video and online.

SO I'd just ask that when people do this sort of thing they get a bit more creative rather than just blowing smoke around and saying how good the shit is heheh , if ya get me. There's alot of useless crap out there and do we really need more of the same old thing? I ask you.

Aside from all that , we must remain free to make our own decisions ... and I think we must continue to push the boundaries sometimes so the boundaries don't get too tight ... anyway of doing this without harm is a good way to protest against such unjust laws and protect what freedoms we still do have. I hope that makes sense , I'm on Drugs! :freak: heheheh


Cheerz and Be Free !!! :bongon: :bongon: :bongon:


Budman :toke:

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Lets say I was to video me and my friends smoking weed and talking and then put it on youtube..


What is the likely thing that would happen?


well if you go on youtube ull see millions of videos of people smoking it so why not? a police officer isnt going to look it up and try find someone with an aussie accent.. they would be wasting their time. and the cops are going after the suppliers, not the users

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