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Smoking In Your Own House In Brisbane

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It might be utterly retarded, but while the consumption of cannabis isn't a crime, possession of any amount is still illegal :(


Having said that you won't get in trouble for posting a video clip of you clearly having cannabis on you and consuming it. From my understanding the police need to actually catch people with drugs on them to make a possession charge stick and for all they know you were being a little try hard and smoking catnip while claiming it as cannabis :whistle:

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So if one of you guys who knows how to grow, wants to put a video up bragging about the grow and how the police can't do shit, should that be safe? Ie something like the following, with appropriate dancing / body gestures:


"I'm a drug dealer, piggy


like to lure kiddies,


And inject them with Maarryyyyjane,



I got a grow the size of texas,


I'm so wasted that I'm reckless,


Fuck the police ..."


etc :)


I think they would come get you. :)

Edited by cybergenesis
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