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Co2 Enrichment

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Hey Peeps,


I'm contemplating introducing co2 in to my GR and before i fork out $$$ i decided to have a look around this fantastic site for more info.


Unfortunately navigating this site is not my forte` especially since recent changes - my searches tend to result in 100's of unrelated posts so i'm hoping you guys/gals can help.


Does anyone know if theres a 'pinned'/tutorial on co2 enrichment and if so can you point me toward it?

Also, anybody that has experience with c02 enrichment and has any handy tips would be greatly appreciated.

I know the theory i.e. required concentraion of co2 [ppm], balancing exhaust with co2 and rough costs involved but i'd really like to hear from fellow growers that have introduced co2 and what issues and results were experienced. At this stage i'm leaning towards a controller box connected to a regulated co2 gas bottle due to the size of my GR (approx 4 x 4.5 x 3.5 meters).


Thanks in advance


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to be honest john i chewed on this for a while and decided to just throw more plants under my lights and plug another fan in .. :whistle: lot cheaper no messing about and more bud :thisbig: just a thought


ev :bongon:



Cheers Ev, i hear ya.


Its a case of wanting to optimize an already good enviro - ventilation currently runs at 800L/sec with aggressive intake and several oscillating; plus 5 x 1000W & 4 x 600W digital HPS' to give you an idea of air movement and lumen intensity. Like i said, if i can get feedback from somebody thats had a shot at co2 on a larger scale than a tent or wardrobe i'll take it on board. At this stage it seems to me that many people tend to shy away from the idea yet i always assumed it is commonly practiced particularly in Europe. Also i heard with extra co2 the plants are less susceptible to heat stress which is always a concern heading towards an Aussie summer.

Until im convinced i'll stick to what ive got i think.



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Hey JC, If you had opened a grow diary and listed all your details as to the size of the grow and let us see what you need to set up it would help. But I don't think you wanna do that........not with 7400w of lights, eh? I hope you got a safe IP address dude if your in Australia, for your sake, because that many lights tells me all I need to know :scratchin: . I could tell you how to set up CO2 on that scale having used it in Holland in a mates Greenhouse ( 10m x 30m) with fully computerized injection system, foggers and fan controller software, but I won't just on Principal. Unless your from Canada, Holland or are a med grower in America, then I might not hear alarm bells ringing. :peace: Gh72
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Hey JC, If you had opened a grow diary and listed all your details as to the size of the grow and let us see what you need to set up it would help. But I don't think you wanna do that........not with 7400w of lights, eh? I hope you got a safe IP address dude if your in Australia, for your sake, because that many lights tells me all I need to know :scratchin: . I could tell you how to set up CO2 on that scale having used it in Holland in a mates Greenhouse ( 10m x 30m) with fully computerized injection system, foggers and fan controller software, but I won't just on Principal. Unless your from Canada, Holland or are a med grower in America, then I might not hear alarm bells ringing. :peace: Gh72



Fair enough Gh72 and thanks to everybody for your consideration & thoughts. It's a case of back to where i started (nowhere) for me cos a series of events - primarily going away for 6 days and my water pump sh!tting itself THEN finding out i need to relocate has turned it all upside down... dead cuttigs generally dont do too well no matter how much co2 is injected. Isn't it ironic that no matter how much you spend on a decent GR that a $80 water pump can bring it all falling down..?


thanks again

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you should always have a sitter in place if you are going away or a back sensor that can detect water levels and add water accordingly.. sorry for your loss mate



Ta Shroomy, my sensor was a mate that didnt bother keeping an eye on them 2 days after i'd left; in hindsight i didnt realise i'd have to relocate so soon so it wouldve come to fruition about 4 weeks too late so yeah im sorry for my loss too but it's probably better than harvesting way before maturity. I have 2 seeds left so i'm going to wait for summer to calm down and try a tent/cupboard grow just to tide my green thumbs over til i can get a more permanent location.. no doubt i'll have some small GR questions in the near future..

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