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Hermies Mystery

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grew from seed one healthy lookin' specimen...then it started growin' balls......but it looked so healthy, and I had never kept a male before...so I took it in its pot and planted it on it's own...about 1/2k from it's sisters....Now it's still got it's balls down low but has developed wispy white growths on the very top that look a lot like a female...I'm guessing it's a hermaphrodite...can I get someone's opinion on that?.....if she is, can she fertilize herself?....and if heads develop, are they smokeable after drying? meanng can I get stoned from a hermie?? Any other insights on hermies would be helpful...tis an outdoor grown in SE Qld...
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  On 04/10/2010 at 12:06 PM, Bat Norman said:

I'd try a get a picture up if you want to be sure, but from the sounds of it you got a hermie. Certenly can smoke it and it may seed itself, if this happens the seeds will most likely be all female but may or may not have a tendecy to go hermie themselves.

I hope that make sense.



im imte be wrong so if i em sorry Bat Norman but i was told that if a plant goes hermie yes still smokes ok just the seeds a pain in the ass and as for the seeds thay will more than likley thay will be males and hermie not many fem ones but like i sead i was told this from i beleve to be some one that knows there shit


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A pic would be good?


Depends if it's a sex reversed female or a true hermie if the seeds are of any use. If it's a sex reversed female the seeds will be female as Bat Norman said but may also sex reverse. I'f it's a true hermie the seeds will be hermie as well mostly. What you have described sounds like a true hermie to me. True hermis grow true male flowers ie balls. Reversed females grow banana male flowers.



Peace MM

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  On 04/10/2010 at 1:17 PM, MongyMan said:

A pic would be good?


Depends if it's a sex reversed female or a true hermie if the seeds are of any use. If it's a sex reversed female the seeds will be female as Bat Norman said but may also sex reverse. I'f it's a true hermie the seeds will be hermie as well mostly. What you have described sounds like a true hermie to me. True hermis grow true male flowers ie balls. Reversed females grow banana male flowers.



Peace MM

thanks for your help...tis a mysterious world...will keep it in the ground for now, and try to put up a pic....

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  On 04/10/2010 at 12:06 PM, Bat Norman said:

I'd try a get a picture up if you want to be sure, but from the sounds of it you got a hermie. Certenly can smoke it and it may seed itself, if this happens the seeds will most likely be all female but may or may not have a tendecy to go hermie themselves.

I hope that make sense.


Does make sense and thanks for your help Norm...in terms of the actual stone, are hermie heads as good as female?

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hey Kerry1, I took a Jack Herer hermie plant from outside and put it under lights beginning of the year, the harvest is not as big as off a female due to the seeds and the buds can be a lil fluffy, but the smoke was awesome, there's no difference in potency, it's still that strain, it just tried to reproduce itself thats all. Was a lil bit of a bugger picking out seeds but maybe you'll be lucky like me and only get it through the bottom of the plant. best of Luck. Gh72
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Yeah you guy are right sorry, my bad. Change that to most likely male/hermie seeds. Not a good idea to keep'em either way, IMO.

If you were in need of seeds you could try using some of the pollen from it to pollinate one of your other females, as i understand it that would create a batch of normal seeds but they again could have a tendency to hermie.

As hopper said smoke will most likey be of lesser quality that your females but certainly smokable, if it's only the bottom few braches i'd try removing them now and seeing how "it" goes.

Hermies are unpredictable and confisunig at best, which is why i don't like'em. :twitchsmile:

Personally if you could live without i'd pull it out, light a fire and burn it, maybe a little bit of dancing would be involved. :devilred:

Edited by Bat Norman
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  On 04/10/2010 at 10:40 PM, Bat Norman said:

Yeah you guy are right sorry, my bad. Change that to most likely male/hermie seeds. Not a good idea to keep'em either way, IMO.

If you were in need of seeds you could try using some of the pollen from it to pollinate one of your other females, as i understand it that would create a batch of normal seeds but they again could have a tendency to hermie.

As hopper said smoke will most likey be of lesser quality that your females but certainly smokable, if it's only the bottom few braches i'd try removing them now and seeing how "it" goes.

Hermies are unpredictable and confisunig at best, which is why i don't like'em. :twitchsmile:

Personally if you could live without i'd pull it out, light a fire and burn it, maybe a little bit of dancing would be involved. :devilred:


hahaha...TY and good onya Norm :))

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