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Dam She Starrted Flowering

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hey guys i knew i shouldnt have done this i grew up a plant to almost a ft tall under a light on 18/6 then potted her up into a 90ltr pot outdoors just before sep started then start of sep she started flowering left it for bout a week, then started turning the outside light on for a couple hours a night trying to interrupt the dark period, how will i know when shes turning back to veg? atm turning that light on seems to have stunned the flowering development but shes still growing up and all the new nodes have little buds on them, the pistols are browning on them all.
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G'day reddevil6 , Mate how old did you say this plant was :scratchin: She'll probably keep flowering until the days get around (rise to set) 13.5 hours long :thumbdown: (if shes a tuff sativa she'll slowly revege stress out and :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: ! They'd be worst case scenario ! If you wanna save her ?... keep veggin indoors at 18/6 then flower outdoors in 3 months ! Brown pistals can mean that shes been handled to much or .."God forbid"... She was pollenated while youve had her outdoors ! Someone near you may have planted out to early and these plants have also flowered and you got penetrated :wallbash: .
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